line 6 noise


Bottom chugger
Dec 6, 2005
Hello boys and girls - Hope you are having afine and randy day

This is driving me fucking nuts.

High mid noise from LIne 6 UX2 - I tend to use a dual rec patch - either with a line 6's screamer or an actual pedal before it all. Once I do more than 1 track of any guitar part I notice a build up noise - much like the effect of comb filtering in the upper mids between 1.3 to 4k - no matter which band I chosse or how much (or little) cut I use (on average between -2 to -4db) I still get noise whcih is almost like whistling. I've tried backing down the gain on both the amp model and the drive on the screamer, doesn't work. It's almost as if a stereo signal with phasing issues is being summed into mono but in this case it isn't jjust a mono signal through a mono input. It becomes even more apparent when played through monitors with good detail - i can't remeber the name of the pair I have had access to at a local studio but I went to buy a pair coz they were fucking sweet but they cost 3 1/2 thousand british pounds! Anyway to the point does anyone else experience this or have they experienced it and have come up with a solution - Although I must say I have always thought that marshalls were noisy scratchy feckers so maybe it's just me.

Much thanks for your help in the past
