Line 6 POD HD


Jordi Vaquero
Aug 24, 2008
Barcelona (Spain)
So, it seems like Line 6 is going to release a new pod called POD HD.


Only 16 amps. I've heard some people say it will be in the 500€ price range.
For some reason I'm expecting disappointment - anyone else feel the same? All floorboards looks to me like they're aiming more for live use than recording setups, which is just depressing for Line6 at this point.
I wish they'd allow custom impulse loading. I really don't believe that they will improve the amp modelling, but with the ability to load impulses, the tones will hugely improve imo.

I would think that that would defeat the purpose of the POD itself, as you can find better sims/impulses out there for free.
I´m very curious. I actually like that it has "only" 16 amps. I would like even more if it was only 8, with double effort to emulate each one. Hell, make it 4, as long one of them is a Triple Rectifier.

For some reason I'm expecting disappointment - anyone else feel the same? All floorboards looks to me like they're aiming more for live use than recording setups, which is just depressing for Line6 at this point.

Dude, you KNOW that Line6 is going to dedicate the next 10 years to pack and repack this technology in every plastic form ever conceived. :lol:
It's sort of hilarious to see thread after thread of people stating speculation as fact. I'm (always) skeptical but I also haven't heard this--- and neither have any of you.
Maybe it will be the same stuff again. Maybe it will be a vast improvement. No sense in bitching already.
Cool, sounds promising that they've made 16 new amp models, hopefully less digital. I am guessing this will be their answer to the AxeFX, I am excited to hear some tones out of this thing, but not hyped.