Line 6 Toneport

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
So i hate myself for doing this. But i hear so many good things about the line 6 toneport ux2 and ux8. I have a M-audio duo interface, and i hate it. Alot of things dont work on it and there is not guitar input level knob which sucks. Im considering buying a Ux2 but i have some questions. how does it compare to the UX8? I understand the UX8 has more inputs but im talking as far as quality. Should this be used as a main interface? I wanted to buy an FP10. I also mostly wanna get this because of pod farm. I cant use pod farm with my m-audio interface im assuming? I have a pocket pod but that doesnt qualify as an interface.
the only thing i dont like about my toneport ux2 is the crappy light plastic case. other hen that for a small unit its very flexible. obviously i would prefer to own a ux8 (prices are pretty good) but at the time i was cash short. they are good interfaces but i stand by what i always say that gearbox software sucks for metal, its very fake sounding, as for clean tones it does the job well. not sure about the new pod farm - i haven't tried it
So i hate myself for doing this. But i hear so many good things about the line 6 toneport ux2 and ux8. I have a M-audio duo interface, and i hate it. Alot of things dont work on it and there is not guitar input level knob which sucks. Im considering buying a Ux2 but i have some questions. how does it compare to the UX8? I understand the UX8 has more inputs but im talking as far as quality. Should this be used as a main interface? I wanted to buy an FP10. I also mostly wanna get this because of pod farm. I cant use pod farm with my m-audio interface im assuming? I have a pocket pod but that doesnt qualify as an interface.

Line6 is repacking the same tones over and over again since PODxt. The sound quality you'll have with UX2 and UX8 is identical (and so is Gearbox and POD Farm, just different GUIs). They only have input level knob on the Mic inputs, but if you use the Instrument input you won´t have problem with it´s default level.

You can use POD Farm with your M-Audio if you buy the ilok version (last month it was free). Check to see how much it is now.
If your recording no one other than yourself the TonePort is definetly a work horse, easy to use and quick. I used it for almost 3 years and I thought it sounded awesome (until I learned to mic cabs)

But, I must say coming back to it now, the tones lack balls. But then again, I've never used PodFarm and I've heard good about it. I got it with Gearbox and never upgraded.

Also i don't think you should try and use it as an interface, better just get an FP10
i was thinking of picking one up too but i was wondering, for now im using an art preamp into my mbox for guitars..if i get the line 6 should i still use the art or should i just go from the line 6 to my mbox?
there is not guitar input level knob which sucks.

You should know that the UX2 doesn't have one either. Just a regular in and a paded in (for the guitars).

But it is a pretty rad device and it has s/pdif out which is what sold me on it (scratch guitars at the same time I'm recording drums without eating any analog channels on the firepod).


Podfarm=gearbox. Only podfarm has a better gui (IMO) and can do dual tones like the pod X3. Other than that it's the same modeling.
I've got a UX8 and have a pretty solid experience with it, although the stuff I do isn't too demanding.
The Pre-amps aren't amazing, but you could do alot worse for the price.
You get every Line 6 model bundle free too, you'd usually have to pay upwards of £100 for that.

Favourite thing was the included Pod Farm plugin, so you can record dry then sort out the tone afterwards

Pod Farm is a really great program (although I only discovered after using some of the tones people on this forum uploaded :P)

In retrospect I wish I'd have gotten something with Firewire 800 connectivity as I don't know how well USB 2.0 could handle 8 simultaneous tracks.

Hope that helps man!