LINE 6 UX 2 and Podfarm Vst-Plug...


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
I don't get it. Is the Podfarm plug part of my UX2 hardware (which I don't use at all) or not? It says I need some kind of Line 6 gear to use it. It's connected to my studio computer but the Plug-In is only showing a demo version of Podfarm, asking me to register it.

Besides that... I have no access to their website for ages. So sorry about my n00bish question.
POD Farm Plugin is software, UX2 is hardware. Do not mistake "POD Farm Plugin", that is paid, from "POD Farm Stand Alone" that comes free with any Line6 interface.
To use the POD Farm Plugin you have to buy it and validate your license using Line6 Monkey (a software that you install with POD Farm). It requires either a Line6 device (like your UX2) or an iLok to be plugged on your USB while using the plugin, depending on which version of POD Farm Plugin you bought. I´m not sure, but I think that the new Line6 interfaces already come with the POD Farm Plugin without you having to pay an extra for it.