Line-6 POD Studio UX-1


Likes the TS9DX
Aug 6, 2008
What are your experiences with the Line-6 UX-1?
I'm talking about using the device at home, not in the studio of course. Just for working on new songs for my band and playing around.

Up until now I used a V-Amp 2 together with a borrowed Edirol UA-25, recording in Cubase.
I was satisfied with that and thought about buying my own UA-25.
Then I came across the Line-6 UX-1 and thought that this little thing might give me all I want in one thing, which is:

- recording guitar (modelled amps/effects/etc)
- recording a dry guitar for reamping
- recording (scratch) vocals, too
as an all-in-one audio interface

Do you think this will do the trick? Please keep in mind that I don't need professional quality (except the dry-signal, of course).

(I tried the search function but it always says: "The search term you specified (POD) is under the minimum word length (4) and therefore will not be found. Please make this term longer.")