Quick and Easy PODFarm question...


Jun 4, 2009
New Braunfels, Texas
So, I upgraded my Line6 UX2 to a Profire 2626...
I have been using the UX2 as my main monitor output, DI, and activation... But I want to use the monitor output and DI on my profire now... So would I just get an iLok to use PODFarm with my Profire and also use the DI and monitor ouput on it too?
Forgot to mention that I would be using PODFarm straight into my DAW, so I wont be reamping with PODFarm at all.
AND I need to use the standalone PODFarm for playing too, since my amp is blown right now.

Sorry for N00b questions...
you've got 3 options:

-use the UX2 as your guitar input, *and* monitor output (simple), or

-record DIs, use your UX2 purely as an authentication tool, and run podfarm as a plugin (you can live monitor in your DAW, as long as you have a low buffer size) (simple).

-have your guitar connected to your UX2, take the output of your UX2 into an input on your 2626, use the hardware monitoring on your 2626 to hear the live sound, and hope that you don't have any ground loop issues (not so simple).

personally, i recommend you record DIs and use podfarm as a plugin.

I dont want to use PODFarm as a plug in because I dont want to have to carry the UX2 everywhere I go.

How do people without a POD use PODFarm? Just by an ilok?
There are 2 different version of Pod Farm and its Variants....

There is the version you have and the iLok version. They are NON TRANSFERRABLE. Meaning you have to buy Pod Farm for iLok if you dont want to use your Line 6 Interface.
if you're worried about carrying the UX2 everywhere you go, use free amp sims for the recording of DIs, then mix down with pod farm plugin.

basically, if you want to use pod farm, you're going to need your UX2 connected..! unless you want to buy podfarm iLok :P

I use podfarm as a plugin and play through my Saffire Pro 24 by starting up Logic with the saffire plugged in and then plugging in my Line6 guitarport so it authorizes it but don't change the input/output device your line6 device.

The only way you can use Pod farm standalone is if you plug your guitar into your line6 device, as far as I know their are no other workarounds for this unfortunately.
Damn, ok, I never knew that.

Is there a way you can use PODFarm standalone with the UX2 plugged in but still have the monitors coming out of the ProFire?
Is there a way you can use PODFarm standalone with the UX2 plugged in but still have the monitors coming out of the ProFire?

Plug both you interfaces into your PC and turn them on.
Plug your guitar into your Ux2.
Plug your monitors into you Profire.
Go to system preferences and set up input to your UX2 and output to your Profire.
Open Pod Farm Standalone and check if it is picking up your guitar.
Problem here is their is no sound so open up your Daw, setting the input and output the same as before, create a new track and press input monitoring and you will hear your guitar now.
Rock out.