Line6 Toneport GX for Meshuggah tones?


(╯°â–¡°ï¼‰â•¯ï¸µ ┻━┻
Jun 11, 2007
Hamburg / Perth WA
I really love POD's for Meshuggah'ish tones. Thats why i'm think about getting an toneport GX + metal pack (BigBottom) because i dont want to spend so much money into an real pod (Used Pod XT 200€? New GX 59 € + 24,99 $ for the addon).

Example (Demo Player on the right):

Do you think that i can get that sorta tone out of this thingy? Good idea or not? :zombie:

Thanks :)
the quality and sound technology is exactly the same. the pod is more flexible - you can use it without pc. besides that you can do everything with the GX/ux1,2,8 whatever too. I run my ux2 as a dummy for allowing me to use the gearbox plugin. so 100% digital, no "real" knobs. works just good!
no problem. just give it a second thought. the quality of the preamp might differ. but I think the GX and the Pod xt should be even up. maybe the toneport is slightly better (i.e. less horrible)