Link of the day (funny or not)

And god knows what the rest of "Myconfined..." says :D

Did some research:

It's to good to be true... and not surprisingly it isn't.

Notice that in the screenshot posted at "" there's a slight difference to how the image looks now?

In that pic there's a tab next to myfirstsex... with "thedailywtf" open. They added the "thedailywtf" tab when they guys at "thedailywtf" found out first about it and gave them a great number of hits and comments from that site. That was back in August 08.

Now "" has found out about this too (see link above - April 09) and since they were now getting many hits referred from "", they added "" as an open tab...

Good sense of humor, but it's all marketing.
at first i was like "what the fuck is so funny? the christmas tree icon that looks like its pooin?" Pervs. rofl. right next to the virgin mary at that! haha (she was a slut and you know it!)