Link to my pics from Bochum gig (all bands)


Ed, Ted and Doug look like they are so into it. I can feel the intensity in their playing just by looking at the pixs!

Thanks man for sharing those.

Yeah, Sean used the same kit as Jimmy from SB. The other kit was for Nick only.

And another yes: the guys were into it. I loved it.
ich bin besser said:
Yeah, Sean used the same kit as Jimmy from SB. The other kit was for Nick only.

And another yes: the guys were into it. I loved it.
Thanks for posting those Enchant pics--very cool! Somehow the quality didn't bother me too much--just great to see the guys doing their thing. Can't wait..hope they allow cameras here in the US!

viadragon bound for LA unless IO arranges an SF gig...Puleeeeez!
I must have missed these before ich, thanks! you must have been right on that little perch in front of the stage up top on the right side in front of me and Bill. These are pretty damn good! Damn that was a ggod night! my best I think I loved the Zeche and the crowd was amazing!

It is like we were just there yesterday! Also I have a whole bunch of pics to go up soon!