Listen To This Bullshit


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
seipptastic: JESUS CHRIST
indieradioisdead: CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS GUY?
seipptastic: my upstairs neighbor got parked in by ann, and ann took her keys with her to rehearsal
seipptastic: by accident...of course 15 minutes after she leaves they need to get out
indieradioisdead: crap
seipptastic: her boyfriend was cool but she went ballistic
indieradioisdead: (is she in a band)
seipptastic: I told them allright I'll go get the fucking keys
seipptastic: (singer)
indieradioisdead: (style?)
seipptastic: I RAN a mile & a half
indieradioisdead: RAN?
seipptastic: got the keys and RAN back
indieradioisdead: good thing you stopped smoking
seipptastic: ran & joged
seipptastic: yeah for real!
seipptastic: i got lost once, and got trapped in a gated community once
seipptastic: had to climb an 8 foot wall
indieradioisdead: HAHAHa
indieradioisdead: SWEET
seipptastic: SO SKETCHY!
seipptastic: I was in a black hoody too, toatally looked like a thief
indieradioisdead: awesome
seipptastic: i get abck
seipptastic: and my neighbor accross the street comes up to me
seipptastic: and says "did you know cindy is driving accorss the lawn? you sholud tell her to cut that put...bad for the grass"
seipptastic: #$(*%^@#*($%^@#$*(%^@#$*(^%*(@#$%

indieradioisdead: RAD
seipptastic: 5 minuts boefore I get back they got impatien and drove across the lawn to get out (and the neighbors lawn cause we are fenced in
indieradioisdead: oh man
seipptastic: FUCKING FUCK
seipptastic: FUCK FUCK FUCK
seipptastic: FUCK YOU FUCKERS