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Metal Inc.

Metal Inc.
Jan 13, 2003
Las Vegas,Nevada
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Here are some of my metal songs. They are done on midi but if you use
Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth for midi playback it sounds pretty good.
Tell me what you think. Ive been playing 3 years. Im currently recording
them all or real instruments.

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Give me some feedback.
Thanks to anyone who listens.
Metal Inc. said:
Here are some of my metal songs. They are done on midi but if you use Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth for midi playback it sounds pretty good. Tell me what you think. Ive been playing 3 years. Im currently recording them all or real instruments.
Man, those sound great!

I wish I had a better wavetable synth on my machine. These are pretty intricate. I'd be very interested in hearing them with live instruments.

I took some MIDI courses a couple years back, and remember how much fun it was to program the stuff. I dabbled in it for a while, but gave up because I didn't have the time to dedicate to it. What software did you use to program the synth? And is it all done on a PC/mac, or did you use actual MIDI sound bank boxes and a full MIDI setup?

Great work! You have a lot of talent there. Keep it up.

NP: 'Metal Inc.' midi