listen up katatonia fans...

I see your sense of humor is as bad as your sad attempt to "make joke". I was kidding, lighten up. The amount of density needed to take my comment seriously, is trully an astonishing thing. I'm glad to see someone exceded it. As far as the corpsepaint goes, anyone can see that it in NO way goes with the current music Katatonia writes. I just find it funny how much Katatonia has grown up, and in doing so, I can appreciate the older photos for what they were at that point in time. It's like looking at old yearbook photos of your friends in High School.
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
I see your sense of humor is as bad as your sad attempt to "make joke". I was kidding, lighten up. The amount of density needed to take my comment seriously, is trully an astonishing thing. I'm glad to see someone exceded it. As far as the corpsepaint goes, anyone can see that it in NO way goes with the current music Katatonia writes. I just find it funny how much Katatonia has grown up, and in doing so, I can appreciate the older photos for what they were at that point in time. It's like looking at old yearbook photos of your friends in High School.

whoa, settle down there... don't think anyone was raging out over the suggestion there. Kind of like no one was taking seriously CDN's suggestion about Varg

