Listening Habits: Discovery vs. Celebration


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
Okay, fancy title to ask what's your balance of discovering new music versus enjoying shit you already know you like?

I can say I get on kicks that last a few weeks, where I hardly listen to anything I've ever heard before. All completely new shit- be it listening to a whole album on youtube after seeing it recommended here, Pandora/ or just browsing metal blogs and tumblrs. Then I'll get on a similar kick for a while of listening to albums I've already discovered. Do you try to mix it up, does it go in phases, or maybe you'll listen to new acts when they come your way but maybe don't go looking for them?
Depends on my YouTube access. If I have to purchase/download new bands to test run them, its a pain. Like lately its been mainly shit I already have or know I like.

When I actually have a computer I'm more exploratory.
10/90. With the exception of ambient and other monotonous shit, I only like a handful of artists in any one genre.
80% discovery, 20% celebration.

I love finding new music. I listen to the old stuff when making recommendations and top x lists etc. Although I might consider listening to an album a 2nd time discovery. There's always more to hear.
Discovery for me usually only happens when I'm by myself internetting, which I do a lot less of these days. Very rarely someone I know will shoot me a link on Farcebork and I'll check it out. Actually my wife has introduced me to some great stuff in the 2 years we've been together also. The rest of the time is celebration.
Lately its been about fifty-fifty. Ive been exploring very old bands(70s Metal) discographies lately. Its an era Ive regrettably neglected(btw, if anyone has any suggestions, Im open too them). After I get through a newly discovered album or two I have to listen too a good classic album Ive already heard.

Rediscoveries are the best. Sortve forgetting you had a love for an album from before and hearing it again after some time is a real rush.

90% of the time Im stuck listening too old songs and albums, though. There are just so many great ones, I can feel pretty content thoroughly exploring an album over and over again.
20% discovery and 80% celebration.
I check out new music quite often, but very rarely do I find new artists that are more than something I don't mind listening to.
When I got into Metal and the first 2-3 years it was like 80% discovery and 20% celebration but now it's maybe 90% celebration and 10% discovery. Even when there's music I want bigger knowledge in.
The only time i listen to new music is when a band i like releases new material. So im 100% celebration. Besides, i find nuances each time i listen to a one of my favorites. Im done listening to the latest clone bands
95 Celebration
05 Discovery

Since getting married and having kids, not much time to discover new metal bands. If you count all genres, 75/25 in favor of celebration.