Rehearsing with new footswitches, braking old habits takes a while...... & a bit of c


Feb 8, 2012
Rehearsing with new footswitches, braking old habits takes a while...... & a bit of cussin'

Been setting up for Album 6, after a lot of changes from the previous Albums, new effects kick the lead guitar into another dimention, with the addition of some cool filter effects. The rhythm guitar sound is also getting an overhall, deeper & less prominent will be the result, to accentuate the the lead guitar. Experimented with a volume pedal but after much deliberation decided that the minimal loss of signal was enough to detract from the harmonic “edge” of the sound, so I have decided to opt for using the “clean channel” as a kill switch…. See ROY STONE .COM , networking links for photo’s.

Restringing all guitars this week, ready for recording, the black Ironbird in the current photo's is done, got the blue Warlock, the red Beast, the green Ibanez & the Warlock Bass still to do, the Bass is a long scale, huge thing, I cant reach the end when I've got it on !

Five Wah Pedals & Why New Strings….
A bonus from the new effect settings & equipment is that the Wah now has five variations, although an impossible amount of “tap dancing” on the foot switches would be necessary to use them consecutively in one track, for use on a track a time, the five are available.
New strings produce double the amount of sound that old ons do, this is because the invisible back of the string gets a groove worn into it by the fret, so the vibration of the string is no longer over the entire length at a uniform thickness. The guitars all have tremelo systems too so the strings need a great deal of settling in before they will stay in tune, the heavy bottom strings have a huge amount of stretch to lose before they are at a consistant tautness.

The string that has gone out of tune, on tremelo guitars, will make the others go the other direction, so a string that is too low can make the other to high, knowing which string is at fault is important because correcting one of the other will make matters considerably worse.

The Guitars all have simple but important modifications, strap positions for balance, bridge settings & pick up adjustments to emphasize certain strings & also to bring a chord sound that complements the EQ settings for the electronics, a harmonic edge is desirable on the 4th & 5th strings in particular, whereas the bottom string sounds better with a drier bite & the 2nd string needs to have bite but also produce a harmonic from emphasis with the plectrum, so the pick ups are set to enhance this pattern.

The guitar strap height is set to put the strings at precisely the same wrist position on each guitar, so changes of instrument live don’t effect performance but for this reason the Ibanez is not used live for rhythmic tracks because the strings are far higher from the guitar body than on the BC Rich’s, causing low string strum difficulty simply because of this difference.

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