The new thing...

V.V.V.V.V. said:
Throwing vague words like that around is lame.

Plus he's right.
i don't see how "listen to more music" is any less vauge than my retort.

besides, my comment was that the tuning itself is not at fault for "bad music", its the artists using said tuning. would you blame the invention of the amplifier as horrible if someone used it to make bad music? his response was not only vague, but had nothing to do with my argument. he simply suggested "i know more than you, so fuck off" which is bullshit.
Tuning down isn't a bad thing. Gorguts tuned down to "G" on a few songs off Obscura, and my band tunes down to "A". This doesn't make them or us bad. Its just how you use it.
Demilich tunes down as far as A and they make fuckin' great music with fucked-up-in-a-good-way melodies. Every genre has their shitty bands and their great bands. If I had to listen to so many Suffocation clones in the Death Metal genre, I'd fucking hate it...but I choose the bands I listen to carefully.
At least we aren't Nas-holes yet.... (Listening to Nas the piece of shit rappa that can't write anything above the crappiest bass line ever to exist.)
Silent Song said:
he simply suggested "i know more than you, so fuck off" which is bullshit.

You said "the majority of bands" that downtune are shitty. I have heard more downtuned bands than you, and you obviously haven't heard many. My statement stands. BA-BOOM, BIATCH!! :lol:

(Listening to Nas the piece of shit rappa that can't write anything above the crappiest bass line ever to exist.)

Listen to Busdriver & Radioinactive: The Weather. Best hip-hop album I've ever heard, or at least my favorite right now.
Grimace why do you have a quote regarding "punk" music in a metal forum? Man, you're a fucking tool. You make that shithead Lordhypnos from the opeth forum seem sensible. Jiminy friggin I said on a forum prior, "I rather listen to Ashlee Simpson wail about being an alley cat, than listen to putrid punk music" Get your straightedge uncooth ass off this forum! Before I make you bend over and take it like a woman!
Silent Song said:
fuck off elitist asswipe
I think it's the opposite.

You're the one calling most bands who play lower than C talentless (ie. you're making an assumption about a band and then dismissing them), while he is the one saying listen to more music.

And he is right.

I don't consider what tuning a band uses when I decide if I like them or not.
The Grimaced expression a man can shed while having his anus plugged said:
Oh.... my.... god.... o_O

EDIT: You know the main reason I shit on you all the time is so I can change your name to "Anus Plugged" in my responses, right? Makes me laugh every time.

Reminds you of the time when you got your colonical crevasse corked in county aye?
I guess I was wrong to think that most metal bands tune down their guitars. :erk: Of course I know next to nothing about music...