The new thing...

Melodeath said:
I think it's the opposite.

You're the one calling most bands who play lower than C talentless (ie. you're making an assumption about a band and then dismissing them), while he is the one saying listen to more music.

And he is right.

I don't consider what tuning a band uses when I decide if I like them or not.
hmmm. so people have misinterpreted what i said. or i phrased it wrong.

my argument was:

low tunings (or any non-standard tunings) are not "gay" or the fault of "bad music".

the fault of said bad music is due to the utilization of bad bands who so happened to write bad songs with these tunings. other bands have created great songs with alternate tunings.

my point is don't blame the tool, blame the person who didn't know how to use it. i did not (or did not intend to) say that all bands who tune down suck. that's simply not true.
Silent Song said:
hmmm. so people have misinterpreted what i said. or i phrased it wrong.

my argument was:

low tunings (or any non-standard tunings) are not "gay" or the fault of "bad music".

the fault of said bad music is due to the utilization of bad bands who so happened to write bad songs with these tunings. other bands have created great songs with alternate tunings.

my point is don't blame the tool, blame the person who didn't know how to use it. i did not (or did not intend to) say that all bands who tune down suck. that's simply not true.
Ah, ok then.
Silent Song said:
my argument was:

[[some shit that wasn't at all what you said]]

I am, without a shadow of doubt, the greatest enjoyer of teacup poodles on Yoshi's Island.

You said:

I think it's not so much the fault of the tuning (provided its not any lower than C) as it is the fault of the creativity of the majority of the bands using it.

How are we not supposed to get "most downtuned bands suck" out of this statement? There's no other way to interpret it. And you also implied that any band tuned lower than C does suck because of their tuning.

U'r = teH GEIGH bestfriendz w/ All Within My Monster.

Thanks for calling.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Or not considering a lot of them are...y'know...brilliant and stuff. They had the balls to make something that has absolutely nothing to do with music as it's commonly seen and to market it as such.

Admit that takes balls.

It might take balls, but IMO it takes no talent. IMO it's not music, and should not be marketed as music, IMO.