Live 8 anyone watched any of it?


What a joke this is. Still I managed to get it on the Tivo to skip through it.
I have seen the Velvet Revolver performance, I was pretty impressed, Pink Floyd is on right now. Those old fucks haven't lost a thing. Oh & on the reason for the show? If all of these fuckers in the commercial for the "one" porgram shelled out their own dough, they might make a difference. Asking the average American, who is broke to finance such a thing is ludricous! Charity begins at home!
Fuck, they switched to Stevie Wonder
I would have liked to see Pink Floyd and Deep Purple, the rest won't worth to shine my boots.

And I agree with Sixxi, charity starts at home, I doubt these projects will ever give money to the people who need it. I wonder if the bands really believe it will or they are also scammed.
Wyvern said:
I would have liked to see Pink Floyd and Deep Purple, the rest won't worth to shine my boots.

And I agree with Sixxi, charity starts at home, I doubt these projects will ever give money to the people who need it. I wonder if the bands really believe it will or they are also scammed.

Man, I was hoping to see anything on the Pruple performance, no such luck...
I suppose they'll do DVD's on venues, seems to me like Canada had the best line-ups, more "rock" oriented than pop... Yet they got less air time?! WTF?!
The Who, what's left of 'em was pretty good, I'd love to ask Pete is he's made any progress on his "research" into the mind of a pedophile?!

You think Motley Crue cares about someone dying in Africa?!:tickled:
C'mon now! These guys are probably more concerned about Mick Mars
picking up the phone in the morning for his wake up call! :grin:
This is kind of a touch kind of a cause, on one hand, you're trying to "help"
these people, but don't you have to educate & in some sense civilize them?
Trust me they aren't the only country in that kind of a situation.
You can't feed your children, but yet you have one after another, after another?! It's not the chidren's fault, you can't save everyone & to a certain extent you made your bed, now lay in it...
Kinda cold, but there's kids that go to school with my kids that, are struggling & aren't eating & their home lives aren't the best. I'm invested in them, they are here & I can see how what little "I" can do or have done is making a difference...
sixxswine said:
Kinda cold, but there's kids that go to school with my kids that, are struggling & aren't eating & their home lives aren't the best. I'm invested in them, they are here & I can see how what little "I" can do or have done is making a difference...

I think a person can have far more impact locally than they can globally. If you donate to an organization how much of it is eaten up in administrative costs?
With the risk of turning this into a sour debate and based on the great post by Sixxi there's something that will be etched on my mind forever.

While visiting Washington D.C. on the verge of NYE 2001, I saw many homeless people begging for coins nearby the National Gallery of Art on the Mall.

People begging for money on the capitol of the richest and most powerful country in the world. A capitol were politicians expends billions in war but they can't feed their own citizens.

Yes Sixxi, you are right charity starts at home. Before healing the world, heal thyself!
Wyvern said:
With the risk of turning this into a sour debate and based on the great post by Sixxi there's something that will be etched on my mind forever.

While visiting Washington D.C. on the verge of NYE 2001, I saw many homeless people begging for coins nearby the National Gallery of Art on the Mall.

People begging for money on the capitol of the richest and most powerful country in the world. A capitol were politicians expends billions in war but they can't feed their own citizens.

Yes Sixxi, you are right charity starts at home. Before healing the world, heal thyself!

Well Wyvern, wanna hear exact the same story; my wive visited Rome 2 weeks ago. She also visited Vatican and the beauty and richness of the buildings amazed her... 2 blocks further people were begging for food... can I say it ???? Fuck the pope ?????
I did not get to see any of it.... to be honest I don't even know anything about it, is it that Live Aid kinda of thing?

Speaking of Live Aid did any of you pick up the Live Aid dvd box set? I did just for kicks. Some great 80's cheeeessse that thing!!
Wyvern said:
With the risk of turning this into a sour debate and based on the great post by Sixxi there's something that will be etched on my mind forever.

While visiting Washington D.C. on the verge of NYE 2001, I saw many homeless people begging for coins nearby the National Gallery of Art on the Mall.

People begging for money on the capitol of the richest and most powerful country in the world. A capitol were politicians expends billions in war but they can't feed their own citizens.

Yes Sixxi, you are right charity starts at home. Before healing the world, heal thyself!
I hear you there, however it seems that the U.S. gets much grief for not being charitable enough. It is sad that we as a planet cannot "heal thyself" we must think globally and act locally. It's sad to know that we cannot feed hungry people. A task that seems so easily accomplished is corrupted with politics and beauracracy.
carnut said:
Amen to that !!

And amen and amen.

I hear that Dio is making a secong Hear'N'Aid "Stars" project, anyone heard about it?
Wyvern said:
And amen and amen.

I hear that Dio is making a secong Hear'N'Aid "Stars" project, anyone heard about it?
Yes heard a blurb on the radio about was to be done somewhere in L.A. but then nothing else ever came about. I'll keep ya'll posted if I do hear something more on it. I'd defo go to that taping!!!
Its indeed a disgrace that aid will tend to go to the governments or the NCO's. But even when it does not go to the government aid destroys the local markets for the farmers and little shop keepers that try to eek out a marginal existence.

Give a man a fish and you will have helped him one day. Teach him how to fish and you have helped him to become self-reliant.

Did you know that property right in Africa and large parts of South America are most of the time non-existent?

An economist from Peru called Herman de Soto has argued that one of the most important factors in the poverty of third world countries is that property-right are not protected. People in third-world countries hold huge assets like land and capital goods but this is not recognized as their property. So they can not get a loan and most of the time they can not prove they bought it or inherited it. There is a huge informal economy in those countries. See here:

So what must be done is that the government of third word countries should protect the rights of its own citizens, including property right, and that the western welfare states, with its subsidized industries, should lift all import restrictions and stop susidising their farmers and industries at the expense of the third-world farmers and the tax payers of western countries.

Notices how this would benefit the third-world and the western world. Because trade benefits the buyer and the seller. Otherwise the transaction does not take place! ;)

No aid but free trade. Thats how the Asian tigers have become rich. By trade and not through aid.
Hawk said:
Did you know that property right in Africa and large parts of South America are most of the time non-existent?

I often wonder how those damn English came in and said "No...those diamond mines are OURS!" pretty much the same way the came to the U.S. and said to the Native Americans....'NO this land is OURS!"
kittybeast said:
I often wonder how those damn English came in and said "No...those diamond mines are OURS!" pretty much the same way the came to the U.S. and said to the Native Americans....'NO this land is OURS!"


I think a little historical context is in order. The native Americans were not native at all. In fact proof from excavations continues to build that the indians tribes were invaders in the North-America's. And it turns out that they conquered the continents from its spare inhabitants, who were killed, that were living there before these Asian new tribes arrived.

Furthermore they themselves has no conception or respect of property rights. For instance, the Black Hills in Dakota used to be the home of the crow people. but they were chased away, killed and beaten in a war with the Sioux nation. The Sioux nation were a collection of warlike tribes that dominated the north-west until they were chased themselves from the Black Hill by the US army that wanted revenge for the victory of the Sioux at Little Big Horn.

Now I don't want to excuse what the US government did between 1865 and 1900. Especially Grant wreaked havoc among the Indian tribes. And the attack on the peaceful camp of Black Kettle by G.A. Custer lives on in infamy among US historians, as it should. In fact Grant used the same scorched earth strategy against the tribes as he did against the Southern states in the civil war.

My point is that not all of these "Native" Americans were innocent peace loving, living in balance with nature peoples. Far from it, when we are talking about the prairie tribes and the tribes just north of the Rio Grande. War was an essential part of their culture. The weaker tribes had to submit or die. And this was going on thousands of years before any European set foot on the American continent.

Most of the time it were the western *governments* with colonial ambitions that displayed a hunger for land. The people that lived there most of the time has to go or were captured as slaves. Not just by western nation but even more and much longer by the Islamic nations as happend if Africa.

As for "the Diamond mines are ours" idea, they felt that when they discovered the mines, dug into them and delved the diamonds they had a claim on what their work had brought them.

The problem is and was that they did not ask the people who lived there any kind of permission to use their land. Also because those people had no conception of land being property in the western sense of the word. Those people used the land for farming, most of the east coast tribes, or hunting, the mid west tribes, and that was it.

Remember also that there was a certain culture clash. In the very early beginnings settlers offered to buy the land of the east coast tribes but most of them refused having no idea what those white man were suggesting. There were a lot of misunderstandings. Also in the early beginning the first colonists were peacefully trading with the north-western Indians before the French-English war in 1755 ended this.

It was not all bad whites against good native Americans. There are stories of whites having succeeded to buy land from a tribe, settling down on the land and starting a family and then being slaughtered by the very tribe they bought the land from. And of course the same thing happened with whites as perpetrators.

In short history is seldom as black and white as most people think it is.


In the remark that you quote I was talking about the fact that the *current* African governments don't respect the property right of the black populace that is living there now. At this very moment the recognition of property right in many third-world countries is non-existent. Ie. my remark had nothing to do with the historical colonial past of these countries. Most African countries became independent around 1962! The lack of recognition of property right falls squarely on the *current* African governments.

Whew! Interesting read, there, Hawkster! Seriously, that is some stuff to think about.

But on an unrelated note, I'll put my two cents in:

None of these artists truly care either way...they are there to look good.(my opinion)
We should help the homeless, poverty ridden, or AIDS infected in our own countries first.(my opinion...wherever you live...your people come before other countries'. Just like in an airplane you are told to put the mask on your own face before helping your neighbor)
If they really want to help why not send FOOD over there instead of a buncha dumbass musicians who care more about what they look like on stage or how many pints of booze are waiting for them after the show?????
tedvanfrehley said:
If they really want to help why not send FOOD over there instead of a buncha dumbass musicians who care more about what they look like on stage or how many pints of booze are waiting for them after the show?????

Well usually that's the way help is been asked around here in case of disasters. Some years ago we had to send help to honduras after a quake or flood (I can't recall for sure). The Honduras government ask not for money but for water, dry goodies, candles, clothing, etc. Stuff that can be useful and will not end (supposedly) in the pockets of politicians or military.