Live 8 anyone watched any of it?

Food is useful only in the short term when there is a immediate humanitarian crisis and people are dying of hunger. However, giving long term food help will destroy the markets for the local farmers and make Africans *more* dependent on Europe and the US for aid.

In short it will worsen the situation and keep Africa dependent on the West. Africans should be given the tool for self subsistence and economic development. Low taxes, steady government and the protection of property right by their own governments.

Look at what Mugabe is doing in Zimbabwe. First he stood by as white farmers were killed and chased of their land, then the poor claimed the land that was previously owned by the farmers. But the new owners do not have the know how nor the capital that is needed for running these farms. So the food is rotting in the fields and the crops are dying. The people of Zimbabwe will die of hunger. Now Mugabe is dispossessing the poor and driving them on the land hoping they can save the crops.

But they will not save it. Famine is already a fact in Zimbabwe. And what are the Western governments doing... They are appeasing Mugabe!

The English paper The Guardian is saying that Mugabe is not so bad!!
I know there are many homeless and hungry by no choice of their own but there is a certain percentage of the homeless population who are so by choice.

I have seen this from personal experience. The first time I noticed this I was in Las Vegas and I witnessed a man being taught how to beg ie: where to stand, what to say, how to hold is bucket for people to put money into, etc. I have also watched someone who had been standing on a street corner begging all day long only to walk to his car at the end of the day and drive away (a nice newer convertable). I know instances where homeless people have been given a place to stay and food to eat only to reject it and return to begging on the street. I have personally seen homeless people offered food and it has been rejected because they only want money. I have wondered if begging on the street was just what they did for a living!

I agree with Hawk and this quote "Give a man a fish and you will have helped him one day. Teach him how to fish and you have helped him to become self-reliant."
Back to topic. Any chance Pink Floyd performance can see the light on DVD? :D
No offense to everyone here and i know my opinions are never popular because i never go with the majority.. but whatever happened to Love Thy Neighbor? ... it is a Christian value (for the ones who are christians on this board i mean and no im not a practicing christian/catholic because ive stated before i dont like organized religion and consider it the opiate of the masses).. if so then that would make you a hyprocrite and not very christian-like if you say fuck the world and only help the one's in your own country... we and other countries are world powers and yes we should solve our own problems before trying to solve other countries problems... but your argument that if we keep helping the poor in other countries then they will become dependent on Europe and U.S. forever though true also holds true for the poor in our own countries (anyone remember Welfare though now it is Workfare in NY at least)... we keep helping the poor in the U.S. and they say fuck getting a job and helping myself.. ill just ask Uncle Sam for housing, food etc... in NY at least they changed that with Workfare so i can't speak for other states in the U.S... but anyways instead of saying no don't send food to those other countries and help the poor.. how about we help their national economies to become stable which in turn creates more jobs in those countries, gives jobs to the poor, they help themselves etc.. etc.. (seems to be working in China where i have friends who tell me things are improving there since the U.S. and other countries have made strong investments there) which in turn helps the global economy... instead of bitching about globalization .. accept it, embrace it because it benefits all in the long run... yes i know the gov't's in other countries are corrupt (not all but most).. but dont kid yourself to think your own gov'ts aren't lol .... A program can be implemented that we only deal with the very least corrupt gov't/countries... though all im saying would be very difficult to do there is nothing wrong with trying to help people no matter where they are because afterall when you look at a photo of the earth from space and see the continents you do not see borders just land and water... and we are all humans in the end... i think nowadays people dont realize it how well off they are because poor here is very different then poor in other countries... poor here can sometimes be classified as middle class in some countries... most of you live in a Superpower country with nice jobs most likely , well fed, clothed etc.. but what would be feeling if you were not and needed help because your country's financial resources arent as good as another's... I would bet anything you would be one of those poor hungry beggars with their ribs sticking out begging the U.S. for aid in whatever form it may be... I went to Costa Rica last year (Dec/Jan) and the poverty there broke my heart but we also went to Nicaragua (drove there over the border) and there were kids begging left and right and one was a little boy like 5 years old maybe a little older .. he was alone as far as i can tell with no friends/family/siblings with him at the border .. came up to me begging for food or money in rags for clothing clutching a little teddy bear... that if you experienced or saw that first hand believe me it would make you think differently about how we should only help in our own countries and fuck anyone else (i gave him what money i did have since i left most of mine in the hotel in CR)... sorry if im rambling but it just pisses me off when i see what some of you say on this subject when you haven't experienced poverty where you literally only breathe air for food... and yes i didnt grow up poor like that (though i did grow up poor by american standards)... but ive seen it first hand and not on media in my safe little home ... for those who know (most likely Wyvern then anyone else) Nicaragua was devastated with it's civil war and though it's making progress with elections it's government is very corrupt (hell my family bribed immigration officials at the border to cut the 3 to 4 hour lines to get your passport stamped) .. there is no middle class in that country.. just poor and rich... the homeless and poor here truly have it better then the poor in Nicaragua for example.. as much as that sounds like a idiotic statement trust me i was there and you weren't.. i seen poverty in both countries (U.S. and Nicaragua) and we dont even have it half as bad as there.. the homeless here at least have shoes however old and ragged they may be... not in Nicaragua... anyways that is my 2 cents on that subject as someone on the board says ... as for the Native Americans in the U.S. ... since the beginning of human kind there has been nothing but conquering and defense of land... to use the conquering of one Native American tribe of another is ludicrous.. again we weren't there and history books i hate to say are not always accurate.. consider who are the ones writing them.. Native Americans had their territories before whites came along and much like us nowadays with borders.. the Natives had border disputes im sure... that swelters to war or attacks on each other.. but regardless they were there at least 1,000 years before any white individual ever showed his face on the this continent.. and in that regards they truly are "Native" americans... and they had made treaties with the U.S. government since it's creation which time and time again were broken and to this day are not enforced about the lands to the indians... for proof of that you can look up the stories lately about the Shinnecok indians in the Hamptons area of Long Island , New York... they are suing NY State/U.S. Government for their rightful land that was promised to them ages ago... of course Governor George Pataki is standing up for his rich white constituents that voted him into office and helped him win the election years ago... damn the poor again is what i see... anyways other then that the only other topic to touch on is rich rock stars who should give their money to charity instead of organizing charity concerts like Live 8 .. unfortunately yes they should donate some of their wealth to worthy causes.. but the reality of it is that most of these people became "stars" at a young age (usually in their 20's) and at that age when you get hit with stardom and riches you do not think in those courses.. they spend money alot on mansions and such.. and as we all know all homes need maintenance .. as well as we pay taxes, pay living expenses.. and theres is a whole lot more then ours.. im not excusing them just showing the reality that most of their wealth goes into what they bought in their youth... it's only in later age (in their 30's or 40's +) that they start to care about such worthy causes as poverty in other countries.. i have no doubt that some do donate millions per year to charities.. I would think someone like Bono of U2 does and of course Bob Geldof (who organized the original Live Aid and current Live 8).. but no matter what their reasons the truth of the matter is that at least they are trying to do something where our government's fail to do because of self interest, corruption, bureaucy etc... ... anyways sorry to make this long but thought it best to write it in one shot instead of doing it in several posts... i know alot of you never liked my opinions but at least think about what i said in this post....

P.S. Pink Floyd only played two songs?
and Paul Mcartney 5 songs? ... should
of been other way around...
Pew unfaithful. Could you please use paragraphs when writing? It would make your message a lot easier to read.

Now to what you are saying; Where did you get the idea that we care less about the poor than you do?

If I did not care about the poor why did you think I was posting all those messages?

I care as much as you do, but emotions and good intentions will not help them. What I said in short was that I found it heartbreaking that all this money was spent om causes that will not help the poor one iota!

Whats "unchristian" about that? Besides the fact that you do not need to be a Christian to care. You seem to have confused criticism towards a system that lets abject poverty in existence since 1962 with not caring.

The point is that being emotional about it is not enough. If you really care you must find out *what will really help* these people!! Its a disgrace that millions are spend to organize these concerts when instead Geldolf and Bono should have campaigned for the US and the corrupt European Union, with its damned welfare measures and import restrictions to open it borders to the poor countries of the world.

If you disagree with what I and others are saying please give some ideas how to solve this crisis yourself. I would be very interested to see how you think this should be solved.

As for my example of the indian tribes, you are speaking of the tribes as if they were only one people and they always treated each other with respect. There is overwhelming historical evidence that this image is wrong.

If you can show me some historical sources that they all lived in peace with each other and did not wage war and took each others lands, children and women, before the Europeans set foot on the north American continent you are welcome to do so.

You wrote:

"instead of saying no don't send food to those other countries and help the poor.. how about we help their national economies to become stable which in turn creates more jobs in those countries, gives jobs to the poor, they help themselves etc.. etc.. (seems to be working in China where i have friends who tell me things are improving there since the U.S. and other countries have made strong investments there) which in turn helps the global economy... instead of bitching about globalization .. accept it, embrace it because it benefits all in the long run..."

Sigh, but that is exactly, to a tee, what I have been saying all along.

The only problem is that a firm will not dare to invest in a country with a corrupt government. If the government does not respect property right it can nationalize the firm when it is making money! And this has happened a lot of times in the 60s and 70s. If there is a revolution in a country the firm might get destroyed or taken over. Firms need a stable country where they can be sure their investments are protected. That was what I was arguing for.

There could be no bigger supporter of globalisation than me! I am a free trade advocate and get harassed for it here in the Netherlands all the time.

In short;

I want the US and Europe to open their markets so the poor farmers can sell their products to us and earn some serious money and built up an existence.

I want political pressure and pressure from public opinion towards the governments of Africa to respect property right clean up corruption and have a system of low taxes so local business can thrive and business from other countries are not afraid to invest in Africa. So Africa can develop a prosperous and thriving economy

Everything I wrote in this tread has the intention to get these result.

Here are two pro-globalisation blog I visit every day:

And here is a piece from the New York Times that confirms what I said about property right:

Excerpt from the article by Nicolas D. Kristof:

"Mr. Bush's signature foreign aid program, the Millennium Challenge Account, is off to an agonizingly slow start, but is shrewdly focused on encouraging good governance and economic growth. The first grant went to Madagascar, a well-run country, to clarify property rights there. This isn't sexy, but nothing would help the poor in Africa more than giving them clear title to their land so they could secure loans and start businesses."
I hope any misunderstanding are cleared up now :wave:

PS I ran into a very interesting interview with The Kenyan economics expert James Shikwati:

He say's ""For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!",1518,363663,00.html
Not going to get into the political part of all this. :erk:

Floyd sounded great, considering they haven't played together in over 20 years with Waters in the band. Plus they only had two extra musicians on stage. Last time I saw them they must have had a dozen people playing. I really hope this brings out a reunion album/tour. I think they may be the only band that could play stadiums in the US at this point. I can't think of another band that could pull in over 50,000 in attendance for a show by themselves.

They played four songs by the way, Breath, Money, Wish You Were Here, and Comfortably Numb.

I watched quite a bit of this thing and I have to say MTV/VH1 did a horrible job of coverage. They didn't show many songs actually being played. To much talking and to many commercials. The internet stream was alright but the video was very choppy and it was hard to log into certain cities. I missed Deep Purple and Motley because I couldn't get on the Canada stream. Some other highlights were actually Madonna if you can believe it. She was actually singing and not lip synching. She did a good job. Coldplay was pretty good as well. They did a great version of 'Bitter Sweet Symphony' with the original singer. I always liked that song and they pulled it off really well. Sir Paul was great as usual, great to see him break into 'Helter Skelter'. Overall I think it was good, but the coverage sucked ass!
Hawk said:
Pew unfaithful. Could you please use paragraphs when writing? It would make your message a lot easier to read.

Now to what you are saying; Where did you get the idea that we care less about the poor than you do?

If I did not care about the poor why did you think I was posting all those messages?

I care as much as you do, but emotions and good intentions will not help them. What I said in short was that I found it heartbreaking that all this money was spent om causes that will not help the poor one iota!

Whats "unchristian" about that? Besides the fact that you do not need to be a Christian to care. You seem to have confused criticism towards a system that lets abject poverty in existence since 1962 with not caring.

The point is that being emotional about it is not enough. If you really care you must find out *what will really help* these people!! Its a disgrace that millions are spend to organize these concerts when instead Geldolf and Bono should have campaigned for the US and the corrupt European Union, with its damned welfare measures and import restrictions to open it borders to the poor countries of the world.

If you disagree with what I and others are saying please give some ideas how to solve this crisis yourself. I would be very interested to see how you think this should be solved.

As for my example of the indian tribes, you are speaking of the tribes as if they were only one people and they always treated each other with respect. There is overwhelming historical evidence that this image is wrong.

If you can show me some historical sources that they all lived in peace with each other and did not wage war and took each others lands, children and women, before the Europeans set foot on the north American continent you are welcome to do so.

You wrote:

"instead of saying no don't send food to those other countries and help the poor.. how about we help their national economies to become stable which in turn creates more jobs in those countries, gives jobs to the poor, they help themselves etc.. etc.. (seems to be working in China where i have friends who tell me things are improving there since the U.S. and other countries have made strong investments there) which in turn helps the global economy... instead of bitching about globalization .. accept it, embrace it because it benefits all in the long run..."

Sigh, but that is exactly, to a tee, what I have been saying all along.

The only problem is that a firm will not dare to invest in a country with a corrupt government. If the government does not respect property right it can nationalize the firm when it is making money! And this has happened a lot of times in the 60s and 70s. If there is a revolution in a country the firm might get destroyed or taken over. Firms need a stable country where they can be sure their investments are protected. That was what I was arguing for.

There could be no bigger supporter of globalisation than me! I am a free trade advocate and get harassed for it here in the Netherlands all the time.

In short;

I want the US and Europe to open their markets so the poor farmers can sell their products to us and earn some serious money and built up an existence.

I want political pressure and pressure from public opinion towards the governments of Africa to respect property right clean up corruption and have a system of low taxes so local business can thrive and business from other countries are not afraid to invest in Africa. So Africa can develop a prosperous and thriving economy

Everything I wrote in this tread has the intention to get these result.

Here are two pro-globalisation blog I visit every day:

And here is a piece from the New York Times that confirms what I said about property right:

Excerpt from the article by Nicolas D. Kristof:

"Mr. Bush's signature foreign aid program, the Millennium Challenge Account, is off to an agonizingly slow start, but is shrewdly focused on encouraging good governance and economic growth. The first grant went to Madagascar, a well-run country, to clarify property rights there. This isn't sexy, but nothing would help the poor in Africa more than giving them clear title to their land so they could secure loans and start businesses."
I hope any misunderstanding are cleared up now :wave:

PS I ran into a very interesting interview with The Kenyan economics expert James Shikwati:

He say's ""For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!",1518,363663,00.html

This land is your land... this land is my land!

Pure inspiration to better oneself with a sense of stewardship over ones own land! IMO
Hawk said:
Pew unfaithful. Could you please use paragraphs when writing? It would make your message a lot easier to read.

Now to what you are saying; Where did you get the idea that we care less about the poor than you do?

If I did not care about the poor why did you think I was posting all those messages?

I care as much as you do, but emotions and good intentions will not help them. What I said in short was that I found it heartbreaking that all this money was spent om causes that will not help the poor one iota!

Whats "unchristian" about that? Besides the fact that you do not need to be a Christian to care. You seem to have confused criticism towards a system that lets abject poverty in existence since 1962 with not caring.

The point is that being emotional about it is not enough. If you really care you must find out *what will really help* these people!! Its a disgrace that millions are spend to organize these concerts when instead Geldolf and Bono should have campaigned for the US and the corrupt European Union, with its damned welfare measures and import restrictions to open it borders to the poor countries of the world.

If you disagree with what I and others are saying please give some ideas how to solve this crisis yourself. I would be very interested to see how you think this should be solved.

As for my example of the indian tribes, you are speaking of the tribes as if they were only one people and they always treated each other with respect. There is overwhelming historical evidence that this image is wrong.

If you can show me some historical sources that they all lived in peace with each other and did not wage war and took each others lands, children and women, before the Europeans set foot on the north American continent you are welcome to do so.

You wrote:

"instead of saying no don't send food to those other countries and help the poor.. how about we help their national economies to become stable which in turn creates more jobs in those countries, gives jobs to the poor, they help themselves etc.. etc.. (seems to be working in China where i have friends who tell me things are improving there since the U.S. and other countries have made strong investments there) which in turn helps the global economy... instead of bitching about globalization .. accept it, embrace it because it benefits all in the long run..."

Sigh, but that is exactly, to a tee, what I have been saying all along.

The only problem is that a firm will not dare to invest in a country with a corrupt government. If the government does not respect property right it can nationalize the firm when it is making money! And this has happened a lot of times in the 60s and 70s. If there is a revolution in a country the firm might get destroyed or taken over. Firms need a stable country where they can be sure their investments are protected. That was what I was arguing for.

There could be no bigger supporter of globalisation than me! I am a free trade advocate and get harassed for it here in the Netherlands all the time.

In short;

I want the US and Europe to open their markets so the poor farmers can sell their products to us and earn some serious money and built up an existence.

I want political pressure and pressure from public opinion towards the governments of Africa to respect property right clean up corruption and have a system of low taxes so local business can thrive and business from other countries are not afraid to invest in Africa. So Africa can develop a prosperous and thriving economy

Everything I wrote in this tread has the intention to get these result.

Here are two pro-globalisation blog I visit every day:

And here is a piece from the New York Times that confirms what I said about property right:

Excerpt from the article by Nicolas D. Kristof:

"Mr. Bush's signature foreign aid program, the Millennium Challenge Account, is off to an agonizingly slow start, but is shrewdly focused on encouraging good governance and economic growth. The first grant went to Madagascar, a well-run country, to clarify property rights there. This isn't sexy, but nothing would help the poor in Africa more than giving them clear title to their land so they could secure loans and start businesses."
I hope any misunderstanding are cleared up now :wave:

PS I ran into a very interesting interview with The Kenyan economics expert James Shikwati:

He say's ""For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!",1518,363663,00.html

Yeah i know i need to make paragraphs but when i get passionate about something and im writing about it i tend to not care about grammar. Anyways let's face it every country and every Government is corrupt in some way. To only help the stable countries and not the unstable countries wouldn't be fair. Since the stable countries are usually Superpowers themselves (example: China) and the unstable are the ones of more need then most. Though i admit I would never do business with Russia because of its rampant corruption everywhere whether Government (local ones too) and it's league with the Devil (the Mob)... but to try to make this one short.. I wasn't single anyone out in particular just in general what I see posted here by the UM members who claimed to be christians (or other religions) but are only so in their own country and no one elses in terms of compassion towards our neighbors... I didn't single out Christianity... I meant any religion . i just named Christianity because that is the dominate religion and I didnt feel like making a list of all religions that exist on this earth... thats why i put : other religions.
I do think these causes do help the poor. It just doesn't solve the problems of poverty. Personally If i was Bob Geldof or Bono etc.. I would not send aid in the form of food , medical supplies etc. But I would start businesses in those countries that provide jobs or loan money to the poor to start businesses with the terms being to repay the loan in time and also to contribute to charities or help there people when and if their businesses are successful.With something like this in time poverty can go down in some if not all those countries. Like i said poverty in China (via my chinese friends in the internet telling me) is being dealt with by big corporations making huge investments there.

You had wrote:

"As for my example of the indian tribes, you are speaking of the tribes as if they were only one people and they always treated each other with respect. There is overwhelming historical evidence that this image is wrong.

If you can show me some historical sources that they all lived in peace with each other and did not wage war and took each others lands, children and women, before the Europeans set foot on the north American continent you are welcome to do so."

You must of misread what i originally wrote because i had said that man has been conquering or defending land since the beginning of time. When i made that statement I also meant the Indians not just the Europeans etc. I never said the Indians were peaceful towards each other. Of course there not. They are human and human nature as witnessed by history likes to expand (conquer) there territory or defend (from conquerors) their territory.Tensions arise for them as for us throughout history and they attack each other as much as we attack each other throughout history. But Europeans did take over their lands (and yes it was theirs since they been there thousands of years as far as history itself can tell) and did make promises to them in the last 200 + years. But instead they all got pushed into reservations and the treaties with the U.S. that they have signed have not been honored and probably never will be. They keep getting victimized economically, socially and politically(like the Governor Pataki example i mentioned). We chastise them for starting legal casino's and gambling on their reservations yet we have Las Vegas, Atlantic City, numerous riverboats etc. as well as State runned lotteries that aren't. We also remark about there tax free cigarrettes and the list of misjustice goes on and on.

Anyways you had said also:

"The only problem is that a firm will not dare to invest in a country with a corrupt government."

That isn't true... I read a interesting article in the magazine The New Yorker (July 9, 2001 issue) about Mobil's and Chevron's investments in the country Kazakhstan as well as in Russia. Kazakhstan is a very corrupt country controlled by one man (Nursultan Nazarbayev - so called elected President) and most of the state runned oil companies profit's have gone into his pockets and his associates/family. Yet Mobil and Chevron keep doing business there and investing through their partnership in the Tenzig oil field with the Government of that country. Anyways i wont mention the whole article since that particular article is long (like 10 pages or more) but if you can find it in the internet and read it from start to finish you will see what i mean that when it comes to profits any firm will do business in any country corrupt or not.

You had said:

"have a system of low taxes so local business can thrive and business from other countries are not afraid to invest in Africa."

That will never happen in any country superpower or not.. I live in a country (U.S. and NY) where there is so many different kinds of taxes (Social Security tax, income tax, sales tax, flush the toilet everytime u shit tax lol etc.. etc. ) that if you lower one tax the politicians will raise one of the other taxes to make up for lowering the first one... but i get what you mean... it would be nice but it is not reality...

But anyways we are both on the same wavelength just that we differ in some opinions or say things differently. The main point in my writing is that we should try to solve the problems in other countries because the reality of it all is we are in a Global World (whether economy, politics, social etc.) and what happens in one country will in turn effect our own country. So to say that we have poverty too and should deal with our own problems and not other countries is not reality because our problems are other people's problems and vice versa and were all living in the same planet.Hope no tension between us or with others because that wasn't my intention. Just wanted people to have some compassion for others in this world....

P.S. Before cheering for Hawk in his reply
to me because i tend to be unpopular on this
forum (and Hawk is very popular which im aware and applaud him for such). Please read what I wrote first at least
and try to see some of my points whether you
agree with them or not. Seems Hawk took the
time to read it and so should you if you want to
praise someone's post and not another's.After all
this isn't a popularity contest but serious social/economic/political issues.

P.S.S. Floyd played more then two songs? cool..
Somehow Money shouldnt of been played lol ...
But i liked the others.. sucks i miss watching them
but i had to work that day.. I did catch some of
Coldplay (they played bittersweet symphony and i like
that song) and Bon Jovi (had nothing else to do at the
moment lol ) ... Hope Floyd gets together because im there
if they do a tour. How was there performance? Is Gilmour
still great? etc.. how was the audience reacting? etc..
SavaRon said:
They played four songs by the way, Breath, Money, Wish You Were Here, and Comfortably Numb.

Only four? :erk: There goes my DVD hope...
A friend passed me a MPG with the performance, with all the pro and cons:


  1. It's damn Pink Floyd classic line up!
  2. 4 great old rockers, rocking with ultra class
  3. Gilmour is a delight playing guitar
  4. They're so tight live that hurts
  5. Love the version of 'Wish You Were Here' with both Gilmour and Waters singing

  1. The video barely showed Rick Wright
  2. Too many takes of the people and the surroundings (who cares?)
  3. Why they need an extra guitar?
  4. Only four songs? Gimme a break it's Pink Floyd reunited, they should had played alone the whole concert for which I care.
  5. The sound was pretty bad, I will need to filter when I hear it again
sounds good to me.. so far... as for extra guitar.. alot of floyd songs have more then one guitar on the songs... and as good as Gilmore is he can't play all the parts lol ... and another reason could be because if they played outdoors then the sound won't be as good as playing inside a venue.. the acoustics i mean... so maybe they wanted a 2nd guitar to fatten the sound so they could be heard...
The camera work aside-

Did anyone catch the reference to the "Works" album;(I think that's the album title?!)
ie: the camera pans out of the stadium to industrial building with smokestacks