Live after death in "DVD"

Was LAD ever officialy released on DVD? I didn't think it was but could be wrong.

Anyone know for sure? If so, where the heck can I get one?

Well, the one for sale there is for region 0, so I'm guessing it was available in the UK. If you were to buy that one off of eBay, you'd have to get Jenna to send you a DVD player from over there ;)
You can expect the official release to be out mid 2007. It most likely will include both Live After Death as well as Maiden England.

That said, the so called "unauthorized" DVD is actually very good quality, contrary to what Zomba and Sanctuary said. It was originaly released in I think Brazil with a rock magazine.
Its amazing isnt it, a Live album from 1985 and its still selling.


I have it on double vinyl, and although a bit scratched now, its still great to listen too.

Although I actually prefer the maiden england video out of Iron maidens stuff, I didnt rate Rock in rio at all.
I think if any DVD of Maiden was/is offical , it would be Region 2...most Region "0"s tend to be Boots.

From what I've heard , they will release the Part 2 of the History of Maiden...Probably called the "Golden Years" or something that will have the L.A.D. show and hopefully a S.I.T. show , then tour with the rebuilt Powerslave stage...There was a recent Interview with Bruce where he talked about it...I'm sure somebody here has a link.
Tap_Legion2 said:
I think if any DVD of Maiden was/is offical , it would be Region 2...most Region "0"s tend to be Boots.

From what I've heard , they will release the Part 2 of the History of Maiden...Probably called the "Golden Years" or something that will have the L.A.D. show and hopefully a S.I.T. show , then tour with the rebuilt Powerslave stage...There was a recent Interview with Bruce where he talked about it...I'm sure somebody here has a link.

A small note about DVD regions.

MANY countries (most in fact) have declared "Region Codes" both illegal, and a violation of international trade law. As such, they make the majority of DVD's in these areas region 0 specificaly because of that.

Also many are region 0 because of where they are sold. For instance, the Asia/pacific area covers 3 different region codes, but are most commonly sold as region 0 as they can then play in China, Japan, and Australia/Oceana.
Well , I think that until recently , most countries/regions had their own Region codes...North America 1 , UK/Europe 2 ,Asia 3 ...Hobbes mentioned that that some titles are being released as Region 0's which means , yeah , they'll play in most DVD players. I had to hack my Philips machines to make them Region 0 though...too many cool DVD's not available in the U.S.A.

What I'd really like to see is Maiden add L.A.D on the next history installment with a few bonus songs that never made the original release. I was kinda bummed that The Early Days Rainbow show didnt have Prowler or Murders added and the Dortmund show didnt include Iron Maiden.

Good to see that someone took the hint and are now releasing a book with all of Riggs Maiden art...however , the cover art is really weak I.M.O.....needs a serious going over colour-wise and Eddies pose is the same rehashed one from numerous illustrations.
Tap_Legion2 said:
Good to see that someone took the hint and are now releasing a book with all of Riggs Maiden art...however , the cover art is really weak I.M.O.....needs a serious going over colour-wise and Eddies pose is the same rehashed one from numerous illustrations.

What's all this then? linky!

PS: man I'd love to look at your Maidenart and other art ye have a page someplace?
I think there's a link someplace on to order it....The first 500 are signed by Riggs himself.

I just prefer everything he did pre 7th son...


I'm hoping to have a website up and running by years end....I just need some serious free time this year before my Brain implodes.
HobbesDawg said:
That said, the so called "unauthorized" DVD is actually very good quality, contrary to what Zomba and Sanctuary said.

I disagree with you. It is high quality for a transfer from VHS. That's all it is, and it is obvious. Hopefully, the official release will be much better quality.

About two years ago, Maiden's management was warning fans not to buy this. While they complained about this Brazillian bootleg, I was happy to see it released because it will have accomplished exactly what I hoped it would--it is spurning Maiden's management of finally get off their lazy asses and give this a proper official DVD release.

I only pray that Steve stays away from the mixing board! He may be a songwriting/bass legend, but he's the worst engineer/producer Maiden has ever had! :lol:
darthrya said:
I disagree with you. It is high quality for a transfer from VHS. That's all it is, and it is obvious. Hopefully, the official release will be much better quality.

I only pray that Steve stays away from the mixing board! He may be a songwriting/bass legend, but he's the worst engineer/producer Maiden has ever had! :lol:

Tis still a good quality vid, specialy since I lost my copy of the original years ago. Regardless, it wasn't the shit copy the management complained it was.

And yes, Steve will hopefully stay hands off. He's attrocious.
Well , you need to find out if your DVD player is crackable/hackable or not. The best thing to do is go to , go into their DVD player section and then search for a hack code for your model/player....Not all players are hackable though....