Live amp setups


Mar 2, 2004
Dan, Tom, whoever,

What do you guys prefer to play with live? 5150's Mesa Boogie

Higher gain amps, tubes, solid state or valves? Marshalls, Vox

curious for all kinds of music too. like, what for Nightingale, what for old Edge of Sanity,

what would you use to play in Bloodbath or other heavy shit?
I take my POD Xt and plugg it into whatever amps they have on stage. I don´t have a favourite amp. I can play on nearly anything. Most amps today sounds very good, even the cheap ones. My only amp is an old crap combo called "Halkan" but i use it only as a poweramp. At home i play my POD thru my studiospeakers. I don´t like playing loud ( anymore )
I use Boss GT5, Boss TU2 and whatever amp on stage. At rehearsals i use Memory Garden´s 5150 fx rtn...sounds fucking amazing!! The GT5 have analog distortions and spillover when you change the patch (if you fool it...)