Live Bootlegs


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I asked this in the Empyrium thread, but just in case....

Where's a good place to get live bootlegs? I know of The Silent Enigma, but I don't think he has bootlegs of bands like Negura Bunget, Arcturus, Borknagar, and Empyrium....

Any ideas?
Boot... leg? ;)

I don't think I've ever owned a single bootleg. Some have been tempting to buy in the past, but I think it's pretty shitty when someone has the audicity to charge $40 for a handheld DAT recording by some dude sitting at the bar.
NAD said:
I think it's pretty shitty when someone has the audicity to charge $40 for a handheld DAT recording by some dude sitting at the bar.
Heh, that's the old days you speak of. Now, most bootlegs are recorded right from the soundboard in stereo and cost about $5 each (at Silent Enigma anyway).

If the band doesn't have a live CD then a good cheap bootleg is the next best thing.
Hmm, perhaps I should look into some bootlegs then... is there any way to tell if it's recorded from the soundboard? Every bootleg I've seen in record stores are usually at least $20, and I'm not willing to risk a shit recording.
The guy who runs Silent Enigma is named Casey. Very good guy, and communicates quickly via e-mail. I've bought lots from him (including rarities). He will give you an honest assessment of any bootleg you're interested in. I assume that because he has so many, he hasn't actually listened to them all (just collects in order to resell?), so he'll probably listen to the particular one your interested in and then give you a brief summary.
He has only one Iron Maiden bootleg but six Evanescence?! I think I'd smack this guy out if I met him :p

I have no bootlegs, and the only guy I know who's wiling to trade bootlegs with a guy in this position is one of the few I know who's willing to trade CD-Rs AND tapes. Uber-kvlt fuckers with small penises, take note!
I have a lot to say on this topic, just not right now. Sorry for the cop-out, but Ali & I, and Justin & I have been talking a bit about this exact topic. Expect to see some bootleg stuff around RC in the coming days...

Semi-related, bootlegs should *NEVER* be paid for. They're free to spread around; I have a ton and will gladly educate anyone who's interested in seeing what I have.

Again, we'll talk more about this later. :)

Oh yeah, hello everyone.
Hey everyone....

About 5 years ago, I was majorly big in bootleg video trading, until it got really overwhelming. Dubbing,mailing, all that BS...

I got a collection of 1500 bootleg videos that way that I never ever watch. I got some good stuff dring that time. I would be intrested in doing cd-r bootlegs now. Seems a lot easier to do now.

Just my thoughts

Evil C
Ayeka said:
He has only one Iron Maiden bootleg but six Evanescence?!
Heh, after speaking to 'Gugs, I think he said he had managed to obtain 8 Maiden bootlegs from over the years. I'll find out for ya.

notman said:
I got a collection of 1500 bootleg videos that way that I never ever watch. I got some good stuff dring that time.
Woah. Have you got any Maiden circa Somewhere in Time or Seventh Son of a Seventh Son? I'd be seriously interested if you did. Those stage setups were cool too.
notman said:
Hey everyone....

About 5 years ago, I was majorly big in bootleg video trading, until it got really overwhelming. Dubbing,mailing, all that BS...

I got a collection of 1500 bootleg videos that way that I never ever watch. I got some good stuff dring that time. I would be intrested in doing cd-r bootlegs now. Seems a lot easier to do now.

Just my thoughts

Evil C
Quick question? Do you have a list together?

There are a few pieces of software that are essential to trading the right way. I won't trade with anyone unless it's done right; you get too much arse if it's too loosey goosey.

Anyone care for me to elaborate on this topic?

Anyone care to see what live metal/rock boots I've managed to acquire? Let me know...
My buddy recorded a wicked bass solo I did once on his cell phone, that's the closest thing I have to a bootleg. Except that I don't own his phone.
Alright, let me see what I can put together in terms of a brief "how-to" and "essentials", and then I'll just cut-n-paste a .txt version of my list. It's going to have to be after the hockey game I'm about to watch though. :)
JayKeeley said:
Heh, after speaking to 'Gugs, I think he said he had managed to obtain 8 Maiden bootlegs from over the years. I'll find out for ya.
Rock'n'roll :cool:

I have a Behemoth rehersal (w00t! :D) but I dunno about appropriate software or anything...
Ok, let's see...

Lesson #1:

MP3 = shite. An MP3 is a compressed LOSSY data format, one which only retains approximately 10-15% of the original audio source. Some people might say "Oh, I can't tell the difference." To that I say, get your ears checked. If you do an audio spectral analysis of an MP3 track vs. a WAV file, you'll see that an MP3 drops off the spectrum at about 14,000 khz. The human ear can hear up to 22,000 khz. That's a ton of audio loss.

One way this has been corrected through audio technology is through LOSSLESS formats. The most well-known is WAV, though the files are huge. Over the past couple years, a few new compressed LOSSLESS formats showed up on the scene, namely SHN (Shorten), FLAC and APE. They're still much, much larger than MP3s, but there is no loss of audio quality. No one should trade or purchase anything with an MP3 source; what's the point? It's not good quality and thus, you are getting ripped off. Period.

The only way to burn audio-to-audio CDs is through a program called Exact Audio Copy (EAC) from (where else) Germany. If anyone's actually interested in checking it out and possibly downloading it (free), it can be found at A great tutorial and how-to can be found at, aka The Coaster Factory.

There's a lot more to be said in this arena, but this is only lesson #1 and I'm going outside into the 2 degree weather to smoke. :)
While factually, I believe you are correct, personally, I hear little to no difference in an mp3 (at least at 192 bit or more) and the real thing. I download albums on mp3 all the time, burn them onto disc, and listen to them in the car. Many times I subsequently buy the cd and hear no difference whatsover. That's just me though. That said, in the context of this conversation, I would never pay for something like that either.
I definitely hear a difference of MP3s, but then again there are only so many I have heard since I'm not a big downloader. I knew a guy that had a bunch and most were of less than perfect quality, but I'm picky anyway. :)

That EAC looks cool, I'll be grabbing that soon enough.
Hey, to each his own. Just know I would *never* trade or anything with someone who had MP3-sourced crap. I don't care how high the bit is set or whatever. MP3's are no good, though to be fair, it's FAR more noticeable for live recordings (which is primarily what I'm talking about) than studio. A polished, produced studio recording is going to sound relatively the same regardless of source, especially if multiple generations are kept out of the picture.

But a live recording, maybe made with not-so-great equipment, is going to sound terrible and quickly, if the MP3s are allowed to proliferate. Blah.

I'm anal, but this is how the live bootleg trading world operates. Pretty much.

Ok, NOW I'm going to smoke.