Our drummer just got his new drumset, and we've started to record one of our song to try out his new drums. I have a little experience in drum recording (about 12 bands' demo projects), and I always feel that I'm doing something wrong in the recordings. I'm feeling that I have to much bleeding in the mics - especially on the toms, and I'm having hard time to "make" a good tom sound.
Can you please listen to the raw tracks of this little demo recording, and give advice, tips, opinions? Is the bleed level in the mics are normal, or should I try to mic differently? Is the toms sounding good or awful - what processing do they need?
The drum is a Tama Superstar with new skins not the stock ones - those were awful (coated skins, I think they're Remo, but not sure). The mics are:
- Audix D6 on the kick
- Audix i5 on the snare
- Sennheiser e604's on the toms (2 rack and 1 floor tom)
- Shure SM57 on the 2nd floor tom
- Beyerdynamic Opus 83's as overheads
- Studio Projects B1 as room mic (about 4 meters (13 feet) away from the kit)
The song is in 132 bpm and 3/4 time signature, there are 9 consolidated 24 bit wav files in the zip file. You can download it here:
Thanks in advance for any help and/or advice you can give!
Can you please listen to the raw tracks of this little demo recording, and give advice, tips, opinions? Is the bleed level in the mics are normal, or should I try to mic differently? Is the toms sounding good or awful - what processing do they need?
The drum is a Tama Superstar with new skins not the stock ones - those were awful (coated skins, I think they're Remo, but not sure). The mics are:
- Audix D6 on the kick
- Audix i5 on the snare
- Sennheiser e604's on the toms (2 rack and 1 floor tom)
- Shure SM57 on the 2nd floor tom
- Beyerdynamic Opus 83's as overheads
- Studio Projects B1 as room mic (about 4 meters (13 feet) away from the kit)
The song is in 132 bpm and 3/4 time signature, there are 9 consolidated 24 bit wav files in the zip file. You can download it here:
Thanks in advance for any help and/or advice you can give!