Next week Studio Recording !!


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
Next week we start studio recording on our album with my beloved friend JB ( Seizure)

You guys got any tips ?

We already put new drum skins on the toms etc ( don't know the name in engilish )

New strings on every song ? ( we use elixer )

Any good guitar cables you guys recommend ?

Most important question, any tips for basekick mic and micing ?

last time we recorded the kick was dull, and fluffy really.

I mean this is our reall full lenght album so me ( perfectionist) want everything to be really, realy perfect ! any tips on guitar etc ?

Thank you !!,

i personally wouldn't go to the length of changing strings for every song...but it's your album, not mine, and that sort of thing comes down to personal preference

and what mics are going to be available to you for the kick??
Oz's "Acoustic Drums for Metal" thread is always a good read. packed full of some serious tips for the kit...

on the kick, i use an audix d6. seems to be a standard these days. won't break the bank and does a good job of getting some good thump/click. the mic comes pre-eq'd outta the box... good to know. as for mic position on the kick, you'll have to experiement. but i'd follow what Oz has to say about head's to use and the flam slam patch. i tried one today and could definitely hear more attack. for me, i usually end up pointing the mic directly at the spot being hit by the beater at a slight angle. off the batter about 2-4"inches. again, you really have to play with it for your situation/kit. also - a nice hard beater always helps too.

i'm with the colonel on the strings - not sure i'd change them for every song. for me - it's always a tuning nightmare with new strings. they need to be broken in. even on my jackson with locking nuts. there's that "sweet" spot in time where they're new - and broken in. usually the 3rd/4th song of the CD.. ;)

good luck.
Good stuff man! Good luck with the recordings!
Use a D6 on just blew me away when I used it for the first time!

Hopefully we can get a dutch tour together march/april next year!
That would be awesome!

Anyway, you got 3 more days with JB (Seizure) left, then he's in with Docile for 1.5 week..that guy is busy as hell at the moment :-)..whaha...

Good stuff man! Good luck with the recordings!
Use a D6 on just blew me away when I used it for the first time!

Hopefully we can get a dutch tour together march/april next year!
That would be awesome!

Anyway, you got 3 more days with JB (Seizure) left, then he's in with Docile for 1.5 week..that guy is busy as hell at the moment :-)..whaha...


Hey dude :D !! how is it :D ? you are the guitarist of docile ?
anyway cheers :D !!