Live DVD

Sometimes is amazes me after 16 years of existance, we still get asked about the band name.

I need to put this in the FAQ page...

The names meaning, November is the month where everything dies off for the winter, generally starts the holiday depression for many, has increasing suicide rates, and the sun sets much earlier in the day.

That's what's so "doomy" about November.

At the time we chose the band name, it was a perfect fit for the music we were creating, as well as a pretty unique sounding name. The old guitarist Steve had used this name for a short lived band he was in that did nothing, and thought it fit us better, so we adopted it.

And before anyone asks, the apostrophe is not in the name, solely for aesthetics. It doesn't look good in the logo. It's really that simple.
So if this dvd ever gets done can we please have some decent extras. Such as a band commentary? band interviews? music videos? naked band pictures?
Things like interviews, commentary, videos, etc., are definitely what we want to include on the dvd, and it's exactly the reason why we haven't just put something out already, because we want to make sure we do it up right. Believe me, I and the other guys are fans of music dvds and we're really picky about their content, so we want to load ours up with as much cool shit as possible. Unfortunately that's part of what takes up so much time getting it done, but it'l be worth it.

No nude pics, sorry. Trust me, noone wants that.