Live Gig Intro's

Mad Dan McCafferty

Don't Get Mad,Get Waysted
Oct 6, 2004
Whats the best intro to a live gig you've been to? Churchills speech then into Aces High was a great one by Maiden, Kiss You Wanted The Best is great and gets the blood pumpin', Ozzy used to be cool when he was a rock god before TV got a hold of him, The Saxon Crusader tour was good with the Knight on stage reading from the scroll then into Power & Glory...
Going back a while, but:
Demon. with the intro to night of the demon (singer emerged from a coffin)
Saxon. using a classical music intro (think it was from the 4 seasons) and then Graham Oliver merging into the intro and taking over.
Tank. umpha umpha umpha wakey wakey
Churchhills speech is the best intro for me. I also like the classic piece that starts MSGs One night in Budakhan. (name of it is on my toungue but im having a brain fade)

I remember Motley Crue opened a few tours with the instrumental The Stripper that was pretty cool.

One of the funniest intros ever was on the ACDC Ballbreaker tour. The lights go out and they showed a video of Beavis and Butthead (at the height of there popularity back then) walking back stage trying to get girls and they run into a cartoon Angus. The place went wild. It was pretty cool and a great way to start the show.
Alpha Centauri/Letting Go by UFO at Birmingham Odeon in 1980! The album was new and not many realised it was the start of the concert so I managed to get a head start in the rush to the front. Cracking instrumental track before the band exploded on stage swathed in bright lights etc. Fantastic! This was the gig when someone pissed down my leg and I didn't realise until the cold,February Brummy air hit me outside. Ah,nostalgia! :rock: