live mix


Jun 13, 2007
hey there,
so i recorded this show on saturday and have done a rough mix of one of the bands, yes i know it is a cover, but my problem is the snare, i am happy with the mix and havent used any samples, the kick if from a ddrums module recorded on the night. near the end of the song the is a fast double bass section and the snare doesnt get hit very hard, not i have gated the snare alot and compressed it a ton, any ideas? and while we are on it, how do i limit the snare without messing with it to much, i have limited this one, but still some hits just break through to much. for the record i was trying to get a verby snare for the style they are using..rocking metal in south africa!
any ideas would be super awesome!
I've not had this problem in the live stuff I've mixed but have in studio. With this stuff, automation is your friend. Also keep perspective. Usually when there's a fast section ala blast beat, the snare is supposed to be quieter, granted still audible. As for hits being too loud, assuming it won't effect much else, just lower the level of that louder hit by editing or automation. With live stuff though, there's a lot of bleed and factors so good luck!

P.S. If you're using outboard gear, mix down in real time and when you see a loud hit coming, turn the ratio up for that hit! (Or again, automate it)
i think im worried about the loud hits more than anything, and i gated the snare and toms alot so that there shouldnt be much bleed at all, but i hear you, just wondering if i should rethink limiting, as automation is a pain in the ass:p. were you able to listen to the mix so far?
Just noticed the link and gave it a listen. There's a big lack of bottom end, comp the crap outta the bass and bring that sucker up. Keyboard needs to be in the background more and vocals more up front. There's an abundance of room sound on the snare and vocals. I would almost say, trigger the snare cuz with a good snare in there it could be darn purdy sounding! Guitars are niiiice and clear so good job there.
Overall, control the room verb if possible on the snare/vox and put some low end in. Great job recording!

UPLOAD THE TRACKS! I want to mix it haha