Ride in Snare mic


Sep 1, 2004
Erfurt, Germany

I'm wondering if someone else have problems with the bleed from ride into
the snare mik. Most threads about snare miking are about hihat issus.
But for me the bleed from the ride is much more annoying.

The sound of the snare (especially when gated and compressed) changes a lot when the drummer plays ride instead of hihat. Sometime the hihat bleed can sound good whereas the ride makes the snare sound bad.

I have a similiar problem with crash cymbals into toms miks.

Noone else seem to have the problem. Do you all have perfect drummer, drum sets, roosm that don't need gating, compressing and other heavy adjustments on the single drums?

Thomas :kickass:
Being a drummer what I would do is try and move the ride further away or higher/lower the stand so it is not on the same level as the snare mic.

Personally, I never had bleed problems (or any grave ones which needed attention). It could just be luck however my cymbals are ridiculously close to my tom heads. What I do is make sure my toms overpower the bleed when they are hit and gate them fast enough when they aren't so as to render the bleed insignificant while the tom isn't gated since it would predominate the cymbal sound. However when dealing with chinas which can be pretty darn loud I suggest (although I haven't tried it yet), manipulating the EQ for that mic so that you cut the frequencies which the China (or any other cymbal) is giving you the most of (without affecting the tom sound). Luckily, cymbals are at the higher end of the spectrum while toms (even an 8") shouldn't overlap with the very high end too much. Just something I thought up, I haven't tried it out, so correct me if I am horribly mistaken with the idea.

However, the drummer's comfort comes first so you might need to adjust compression and gate settings however I'd let the pros advise you on that.

Maybe you can tell us what mics are you using?

I normally use SM57 and Audix A1.

Your right with the frequencies but I often have to boost around 4kHz to give the toms a nice attack, and that boost the crashs in this range, too.
If you make the gate release too short, you cut the fulness out of the toms.
I don not really like too thin toms.

Toms are not the big problem because the problematic toms hits can be easely replaced by clean ones.

But ride and snare are more complicated. And I often have this problem. Maybe the problem is the direction of the snare mik. It shows away from the hihat and in the direction to the ride. (miking from the hihat side)