Live samples, a solution?


Oct 7, 2009
Hey guys, my band has been having a lot of trouble with live sound engineers lately (I use the term engineer very loosely here).

In Edmonton, Canada it seems as if few of them have any experience at all in the inclusion of backing tracks/samples and has resulted in us looking like a bunch of idiots running around on stage trying to figure out what the hell they're doing.

We've been using the simplest method possible: the L 100% pan = Click + bit of backing tracks for the drummer, and R = our samples in mono to the FoH.

The plan is to take it almost completely out of their hands and allow us to streamline via my little Mackie DFX12 mixer and its tape in L/R for the split signal from the laptop. The left out channel would then be run to our drummer through his headphone amp's channel (Samson S Monitor), combined with a monitor feed from FoH so that he can tweak to his heart's content. His monitors have a history of being quite terrible too which is why we want to roll it all into his ear-buds at his control.

The right main out would be sent to FoH where all they would have to do is unmute the channel. The DFX12 is not a powered mixer.

I'm presenting this here to see if there are any flaws in the plan haha. I know it is potentially more complex than is ideal, but we have tried everything from talking to them, to me showing them exactly what to do. None of it has worked and the last 4 shows we've played have been abysmal.

Thanks for those who took the time to read, I'm just nervous for our upcoming shows and any input would be appreciated!

Below is the layout of our mixer:
I'm not sure how any engineer could fuck that up.. you must be dealing with idiots.

The method you posted above will be fine.. that's really as simple as you can make it
It really does blow my mind that they are paid to do this haha.

Thanks, I'll let you know how it works out :p
Why do you need a mixer and laptop? Surely it would be easier to just use an mp3 player and use a headphone splitter?