Live shows with backing tracks - Setup?


Keyboard player
Oct 14, 2010

Wanted to start this discussion for a while now. I'm interested in methods reproducing your band's album sound live, i mean - playing with backing tracks on stage.

Here's how my band does it:

Laptop running cubase 5 --> M-Audio FastTrack Pro. The interface has 2 ins and 4 outs.
3 outs are utilized - Stereo out running playbacks, another out running an audition out with the click to the drummer.
1 spare out left for various stuff. mostly remains unused.
1 project, containing the setlist with markers for each song, few bars separate the songs. Drummer controls the laptop.

Advantages - I can plug my keyboard to the ins when the venue doesn't offer enough DI's (that happens more often than you might think), I can also plug it to MIDI if i want to play a certain VST synth, though we almost never do that. No VSTs are running to keep things stable. no more than a couple of cubase tracks playing at a time as well.
We also used one of the ins a while ago and routed it to Drumagog as a BD trigger when we didn't have our own module.

Disadvantages - Drummer needs to be focused on the laptop as well as playing. If something's wrong, there's nothing he could do since he is too busy with both of his hands constantly. Also, when finishing a song, he needs to press the spacebar to stop the playback from running. This sometimes gets in the way when finishing a song. It has to end abruptly, and there's no room for the usual finishing drumrolls which is sometimes good, sometimes bad.

We also tried having me (keyboardist) control the laptop, but a metal act performing live with a laptop visible right on stage is even for a prog/power band.

Needless to say I'm constantly playing stuff on my keyboard and the playbacks are for those extra layers such as natural strings when i'm soloing, choir samples, intros etc, having a laptop on stage simply projects the wrong idea.

Hope this was somewhat insightful, please share your own ideas.

What do you think of this setup? What other options are available? How do the pros do it?
Honestly, who cares how the laptop looks on stage? It's there isnt it? How often are you actually playing the keyboard? I'd say give the laptop to whoever has the easiest access.

Or......SPDS. Have the drummer play to a click and he can trigger the samples needed.
SPDS is not a good option, we have the playbacks running throughout the entire song as opposed to bands that trigger samples with SPDS (example: bassdrops)
we have pads, and choirs running sometimes for a minute or two straight. some enter, some fade out etc. The best option would be a solution where no band member needs to have a screen to look at and operate
I'm REALLY interested in this too!! How do the pros do this? Till today we're doing it like u described above. We have a laptop with cubase and a firepod to get the outputs. The biggest problem with this IMO is the danger of a crash. We had to play two shows without our backings just because the firepod didn't want to run these days! In addition to that it really eats that much time to build this up on stage everytime.
If your not in the need of having those samples in stereo, you can use the following method. I've tried this before, but I've heard a lot of bands do it like that:

Create a sample track mp3 with the click track on the left channel and the backing track on the right. Use a normal mp3 player and put a "stereo splitter cable" into it. It has to be a cable which seperates the left and the right channel to two single jacks. One side it going into a lil headphone amp and the headphones for the drummer. The other is send to a DI box and into the PA.
if you don´t want a screen on stage just take a simple mp3-player. left out is click, right out is playback. so you can only have them mono but who cares-it´s live.
i played a tour with nocturnal rites and thunderstone a few years ago and nocturnal rites did exactly the mp3 player thing. ;)
if you´re afraid of crashes you can also take a rack multitrack recorder and have all the tracks separated so the sound guy can have all the options he wants.
i remember a video where the in flames drummer used it live via a cable remote (i guess it was some fostex type thing).
Thank you for taking the time to assemble that FAQ Anssi! That info is gold. I'll be looking into upgrading our rig to variation 3 as we grew weary of using a DAW based live setup

We use an old Korg D888 with two channels click and two channels backingtracks, so easy even our drummer can use it :)

1.How does your drummer control it? Is it located next to him so he hits stop and play, or remotely somehow?
2. Does he use earphone amplifier or the levels in the "phones out" are high enough?
Thank you for taking the time to assemble that FAQ Anssi! That info is gold. I'll be looking into upgrading our rig to variation 3 as we grew weary of using a DAW based live setup

1.How does your drummer control it? Is it located next to him so he hits stop and play, or remotely somehow?
2. Does he use earphone amplifier or the levels in the "phones out" are high enough?

1. He has it next to his hihat so he controls it manually.
2. Even I can hear the click sometimes so the phones out are more than enough :)