Live Sound.

maybe i should rephrase my question. i wasn't really talking about what you guys are applying (sp?) to the miced up guitar sound, i'm more talking about the guitar sound as it is dialed in on the amp. obviously one should steer clear from an overly scooped sound, but other than that, are there some more thing you appreciate in a guitar sound (talking about a 2 guitar band)
Fragle said:
on a related side note, i have a question for all you guys who do live sound:
what do you look for in a guitar sound, and on the other hand, what do you guys absolutely hate when dealing with a live guitar sound?

Go for hate first!
Alot of guitarist try and make the sound from their cab sound as if it IS a PA system! ie, far too much bass...this makes it very hard at FOH to deal with scooping it out...
I look for a very well balanced sound so then you can make use of the eq on the board for lightly pulling bass/low mids and boosting around 3-5k and maybe up to 16k(depending on the board) I like to leave a few dB headroom on the input for things like solo boost and also the little sod turning it up on stage all night!! . Also settings that work in one venue will not work in another...thats why it is important to ring out the rig to the room. Also depending on the size of the venue to the volume of backline, theres nothing worse than say a 200 capacity club with a 6k rig and the guitarist turns up with a full stack cranked to 11!! You find yourself with no guitar in the rig and a very one sided sound! but there again, live sound is full of compromise, you have to be one step ahead of the artist, not only using your ears but your eyes too.
"but there again, live sound is full of compromise, you have to be one step ahead of the artist, not only using your ears but your eyes too."
i agree. most soundguys are surprised when i'm asking them about my guitar sound, whether i should change anything etc. ;) some time ago i realized that being nice to the soundguy instead of doing your own selfish thing can make thing a LOT easier :D :D :D

i totally agree about the stage volume thing, too. i tend to set my amp quite loud (depending on the venue of course) but not overpowering. just enough to eliminate the need for guitar in the monitors...greatly enhances the clarity of the stage mix imho, but still i always check it with the soundman whether i'm too loud or not. for example, for a medium sized club (600-ish) i usually have my jcm800 around 4 on the master and 8 on the channel volume.
Seizure. said:
holy shit!! my next gig with the band will be here!!

check that equipment!!

Hey, you get your first chance with VCA's!

My advice for the outboard would be
3:PCM 90-Main Vox
4:TC-M2000-Guitars or B.Vox
5:SDE 3000-Vox (use the function for tempo tap)
Dual 501: Kik/snare or dual kik?
DS 201's:Toms
DL 241's:kik/snare/gtrs
DL 251's: Vocals/bass

At least you don't have to do monitors!!!
haha.. awesome huh?!! toys!!

but it is festival of some sort.. so i don't think i will have time to put it up to my own liking on time. i'll just dial in reverbs and compressors the way i want (assuming they are using those on the useall instruments) and then just do my thing.:grin:

i bet there are some pretty pro guys around there also... so it'll be a nice learning experience:rock: