Live Tool DVD

Mmm, that part is good isn't it.

I'm looking forward to this so much as I've been spending ages wandering about the net downloading as many live bootlegs as i could... i now have something like 6 gigs of live tool vids...

And it'd be nice to have one that's well recorded =)
anyone know if they played ticks and leeches at these shows, always wanted to see them play it live, they failed to do so at both shows in melbourne
Originally posted by Nightspirit
anyone know if they played ticks and leeches at these shows, always wanted to see them play it live, they failed to do so at both shows in melbourne

Maynard recorded the vocal tracks to Ticks and Leeches as the very last part of the Lateralus, because performing them messed up his voice for several days. Hence, Ticks and Leeches was the ONLY track from Lateralus not to make it onto setlists. It was played (correct me if I am incorrect) only once, dedicated to Fantomas, at the last show the played with Tool on one leg of their tour. I have the live recording of that, it's quite creepy. So any chance of this song making it on the DVD live are slim.
Originally posted by The Sound Gardener
Be careful posting something like that in this forum. Apparently most Opeth fans don't like Tool.

I find it interesting that it seems a lot of Opeth fans don't like Tool, but most Tool fans like Opeth. I usually read the posts about Tool because the posts interest me. I've just learned to pass over the anti-tool people with their typical "they're boring" rants. Makes me wonder, though...
Originally posted by MountainDweller
I find it interesting that it seems a lot of Opeth fans don't like Tool, but most Tool fans like Opeth. I usually read the posts about Tool because the posts interest me. I've just learned to pass over the anti-tool people with their typical "they're boring" rants. Makes me wonder, though...

Did you notice the thread that was created not to long ago about about how the guy wanted Tool and Opeth to play together (I think)? It just devolved into the ugliest thread you'll ever see. I'm sorry to say that I was part of it.

Originally posted by jester00
im an opeth fan who loves tool!

Don't get me wrong, I love Tool also, but I'm just saying many Opeth fans (here) don't, and it could turn into one of those threads again.
Originally posted by The Sound Gardener

Don't get me wrong, I love Tool also, but I'm just saying many Opeth fans (here) don't, and it could turn into one of those threads again.

i know what u mean... hopefully everyone can love both bands
Originally posted by jester00
i know what u mean... hopefully everyone can love both bands

Me too, so we don't have stupid-ass "debates" about which band is better. I think that they (Tool and Opeth) are the best at the kind of music they play (which isn't saying much, because nobody else plays their style).
Yeah i wasn't meaning to create a thread to debate whether Tool are as good as Opeth (or vice versa), we have plenty of those around here and they are all typically stupid.

I just thought I should let you all know about the DVD. Tool's live shows are fucking incredible, lighting, stage, sound, props, guests... the whole thing is just other-worldly.

When the DVD comes out, I actively defy any of you Tool-bagging cretins to watch it and be unimpressed.