Live Vintersorg?

Usually I ignore such thread, but this time I feel like saying something!

You all know for the first time I have had download some Otyg demos and Borknagar live songs, those people who offered them, gave it away for free, I just had to queue for it... I thought it would be nice to listen to them, as I can't buy them legally in a shop. Hopefully the demo stuff will get released on CD one day so I'll buy them! Maybe the Borknagar live stuff gets released too!
I don't mind to trade a CD for a CD (originals of course!!!), but one thing I do mind, when someone copies original albums and burns it on CDR's to sell them!
And it's very obviously "into the grave", that you doing it to make a profit on it!
In this case I absolutely stand on the side of the artist / musician, because I know very well how hard the music biz is, esp. these days and roughly how much the artist / musician really earns on a sell of each album. Not only that you offer copies of Vintersorg and Borknagar, no - also of bands I work with and good friends of mine!
I'm not a person who wishes someone else something bad, I'm very open minded, have a huge understanding and love fairness.
And for the justice, I hope someone sue your a** off!

I guess this is my longest post I have ever made on UM, but I just had to say this!!!

Edit: typo forgot the s behind band and of course sue *thank Algol*
Well, for starters I too talk to one of the guys from Borknagar. He knows what I do and has never mentioned anything about it. Second, I use to just trade for things, but I no longer have any use for CDR's since I have a cable connection now and can just download samples of songs before buying the originals. Third, every cent i make from dubs (and it isn't much) and then some, goes right back into buying ORIGINAL metal cds. Yesterday along I spent $195.50 on metal cds (contact CM and The End if you don't believe me, or I can show you the on-line reciept I have from the order)..... More of less I'm just saying that I buy a LOT of cds, A LOT! I support metal, but also feel strongly that cdr's can be a great way of hearing new music for cheap, especially for those slow (or no) internet connetion people that can't take the time to download stuff to sample. And as stated in my disclaimer, I always tell people to support the labels and bands! Thanks for your comments though, they were well thought out. Take care, Casey
Originally posted by into the grave
Well, for starters I too talk to one of the guys from Borknagar. He knows what I do and has never mentioned anything about it. Second, I use to just trade for things, but I no longer have any use for CDR's since I have a cable connection now and can just download samples of songs before buying the originals. Third, every cent i make from dubs (and it isn't much) and then some, goes right back into buying ORIGINAL metal cds. Yesterday along I spent $195.50 on metal cds (contact CM and The End if you don't believe me, or I can show you the on-line reciept I have from the order)..... More of less I'm just saying that I buy a LOT of cds, A LOT! I support metal, but also feel strongly that cdr's can be a great way of hearing new music for cheap, especially for those slow (or no) internet connetion people that can't take the time to download stuff to sample. And as stated in my disclaimer, I always tell people to support the labels and bands! Thanks for your comments though, they were well thought out. Take care, Casey

Well Chasey,very nice that you tell the people to support the bands and labels, but how many of those who buy CDR's will do it? I think there is not much to say...
If I do a roughly calculation, people have to buy a minimum of 5 CDRs, therefore you can get a new ORIGINAL album, of course for you collection, so the artist earns on one album but looses on 5 at the same time! 1-5=-4 What a great support Chasey!!!
And of course, with every new ORIGINAL album you buy, you list is getting bigger, you have a bigger selection for your customers, so the chance of selling CDR's is getting better!
And reading about the big order you did at CM & The End Records, it seems like you do sell very well. Do those labels know about your sells??? I don't think so!
I don't see any support here Chasey, all I see is someone try to get a big CD collection on the bill of the artists and labels.

Sure it is a nice thing to get the possibility of downloading samples ( samples mainly not full length songs) to be able to do a pre-listening to see if it is that kind of music I would like to buy, you can find a lot on band & label websites and sometimes they offer a full song too. For those who are not on the net there is the possibility to buy magazines with a CD sampler or sometimes street teams, shops and venues have give aways of the labels.

Anyway you don't give me any impression of any support with your "tradelist"

Take care,


Edit: guess what? hee hee :D
Look at it likes this, say you (into the grave) bought a Vintersorg CD, and put up a CDR for sale on the web of that same album, well see your making cash off that album while Vintersorg isnt getting money for it because your selling it. You go buy OTHER CDs, but the artists you have arent getting anything back. Why do you think Napster went down the tubes (besides Metallica), they were giving free music with nothing coming to the record companys or artists. Its same thing here sept your making money.
Im with Morgana basically hehe, I dont think anyone has a Vintersorg live to trade......... ;)
I forgot a very important note!!!

When I mention the financial loose the artist makes, because of those who sell CDR dubs, I forgot to say what else it can cause! If a band does not sell enough albums, they get easy dropped by the label, even a bigger financial loose for the artist!
So obviously those who sell CDR dubs are responsible for a part of it!!!
Chasey, I have seen at least one band in your list which got dropped, because of less sells, and Chasey, they are good friends of mine...

Maybe you understand and maybe it makes you think, be fair, if you really want to support bands, stop selling those CDR dubs!

Take care,


Give credit, where credit has to be given!
Originally posted by Algol
Well said Morgana, that's a point I had not thought of before. I wonder how Vintersorg feels about this subject? Maybe he will stop by and tell us.

Thanks Algol, yes I would like to know what he think about it.
And I would be interested how Tyr thinks about it... maybe he'll stop by too.

It's not only a financial loose of the artist and of course for the label, if a band gets dropped because of bad sales, they won't get a new deal that easy and mostly if they make it, the deal is most times not as good as the one before.
Not to forget it is a loose for the fan too, because most bands do not have the money to record and release a album themselves. Very important too

Hopefully this makes any CDR dubs seller thinking.
Look at this guys message history, seems all he posts about is his cause. I see him on other boards doing the same thing too quite the spammer. He wont contribute to the board just spam his cdr collection.
Originally posted by Morgana

Well Chasey,very nice that you tell the people to support the bands and labels, but how many of those who buy CDR's will do it? I think there is not much to say...

Actually, there is plenty to say about it. One, I have no control over what others do, I worry about myself and thats all I can do. Two, say someone bought or traded for a cdr and didn't end up buying the original cd. They love the album, but just didn't care to spend the money and purchase the original issue. Now, that band comes to town for a show. Guess who's going to be there? Probably that guy/girl who heard the band from that cdr. And you never know, maybe they'll buy a shirt while they are there! Oh hell, they probably told their friend(s) about this great band and maybe one of them bought the original cd or attended the show. Strange, that band just got a higher attendance for the show, a chance at more selling merchandise, and a larger fan base overall. How do I know this can happen? I've lived it! I've attended shows of bands I only heard on MP3 or cdr, and even drug some of my friend to them too. Ok, enough on this.... onto your other spats...
Originally posted by winter-frost
Look at this guys message history, seems all he posts about is his cause. I see him on other boards doing the same thing too quite the spammer. He wont contribute to the board just spam his cdr collection.

I contribute other things to boards I like a little more. Metal-rules is one. MMBB is another. Thanks
Originally posted by Morgana

If I do a roughly calculation, people have to buy a minimum of 5 CDRs, therefore you can get a new ORIGINAL album, of course for you collection, so the artist earns on one album but looses on 5 at the same time! 1-5=-4

You assume that the person using cdr's would have paid full price for all 5 albums, many of which he/she may have been taking a chance on in the first place not knowing much about the band to start with. Unlikely!
Originally posted by Morgana

And reading about the big order you did at CM & The End Records, it seems like you do sell very well. Do those labels know about your sells??? I don't think so!

Wrong again cupcake! I know very well that The End knows about my website. I've even been e-mailed about a trade from The End records, I had a obscure cd they wanted. As for Century Media, I've even traded DUBS with a guy who works there. Thats correct, DUBS! And another guy I've traded twice with, original cds on that one. All trades with the CM workers went very well, and I was able to pick up some good CM releases that I may have missed a few years back when they first came out.
Originally posted by Morgana

Sure it is a nice thing to get the possibility of downloading samples ( samples mainly not full length songs) to be able to do a pre-listening to see if it is that kind of music I would like to buy, you can find a lot on band & label websites and sometimes they offer a full song too.

Yes, samples work great. I buy a lot of cds after hearing a sample from a site. Vintersorg was one. However, those with really slow internet connections or no internet at all might have some problems with this. There are also a lot of bands that have no samples on-line or websites yet.