Live Vintersorg?

Originally posted by Morgana
I forgot a very important note!!!

When I mention the financial loose the artist makes, because of those who sell CDR dubs, I forgot to say what else it can cause! If a band does not sell enough albums, they get easy dropped by the label, even a bigger financial loose for the artist!
So obviously those who sell CDR dubs are responsible for a part of it!!!
Chasey, I have seen at least one band in your list which got dropped, because of less sells, and Chasey, they are good friends of mine...

Maybe you understand and maybe it makes you think, be fair, if you really want to support bands, stop selling those CDR dubs!

And which band are you speaking of? I must have missed when you mentioned it
Originally posted by Algol
Well said Morgana, that's a point I had not thought of before. I wonder how Vintersorg feels about this subject? Maybe he will stop by and tell us.

I guess you also missed where on my site it is clearly stated that if a band does not like their album(s) being listed, they can e-mail me and request being removed. I think I'm being very open minded here.... In fact, the only open minded one. Thanks for your time tonight guys!
Originally posted by Morgana

And reading about the big order you did at CM & The End Records, it seems like you do sell very well.

Just for the record, that was a small sample of what I've spent on ording cds lately. Nothing was mentioned about my orders with Relapse, Unmatched Brutality, Bloodsoaked, Extremist, and Razorback (x2) all placed this month. As for "doing rather well".... not really. Most aren't into dubs to start with, most metal fans love their cds and don't waste time with cdr's. I'd calculate 85%-90% of the $ used for my orders above were either from my two jobs or selling ORIGINAL cds.
Originally posted by into the grave

I guess you also missed where on my site it is clearly stated that if a band does not like their album(s) being listed, they can e-mail me and request being removed. I think I'm being very open minded here.... In fact, the only open minded one. Thanks for your time tonight guys!

:rolleyes:yeah I must have missed that, well anyway, don't let the door hit ya in the ass on your way out.
Originally posted by into the grave

You assume that the person using cdr's would have paid full price for all 5 albums, many of which he/she may have been taking a chance on in the first place not knowing much about the band to start with. Unlikely!

Wrong! I assume that YOU can buy with a sell of 5 CDR dubs one original. Of course you will sell CDR dubs of this original.

Edit: you charge $ 17 for 5 CDR dubs with postage for US, $ 18 for others.
Originally posted by Morgana

Edit: you charge $ 17 for 5 CDR dubs with postage for US, $ 18 for others.

Yes, overseas postage does cost me more. I may charge $3, but I'll actually pay between $4.00 and $4.50 to most overseas countries. Not that it matters, most people who are into this sort of thing get the stuff from their own country, I don't do many overseas deals there. Which brings me to another point. You blame "me" for the dropping of some of your overseas band from their labels. Hard to believe when A: everyone says America doesn't have a good market for metal. and B: I personally may only send 1-2 packages containing cdr's overseas in a months time. I know you have a busy day in front of you, so I'll stop here. Tah tah
Originally posted by into the grave

Yes, overseas postage does cost me more. I may charge $3, but I'll actually pay between $4.00 and $4.50 to most overseas countries. Not that it matters, most people who are into this sort of thing get the stuff from their own country, I don't do many overseas deals there. Which brings me to another point. You blame "me" for the dropping of some of your overseas band from their labels. Hard to believe when A: everyone says America doesn't have a good market for metal. and B: I personally may only send 1-2 packages containing cdr's overseas in a months time. I know you have a busy day in front of you, so I'll stop here. Tah tah

Sure you are to blame! You selling CDR dubs of this band, no matter where you send them to, US or Oversea, so you are responsible for a part of it, but actually a waste of time talking with you about...
Originally posted by Morgana

Sure you are to blame! You selling CDR dubs of this band, no matter where you send them to, US or Oversea, so you are responsible for a part of it, but actually a waste of time talking with you about...

For starters sweetpea, I've never dubbed a Vintersorg cd, nobody has ever requested one. He probably has some very loyal fans, and thats great! Second, my original post was inquiring about live bootlegs for trade. What did any of this have to do with my original post anyways?
about the issue of cdrs and bootlegs....... i can understand why a band would get pissed off if...say i made copies officially released shit and sold them.

but if a band has live shows or unreleased songs that arent already available, then i dont have a problem making or buying a cdr. if the band has a problem with that, they should put the shit out themselves, or make an official live cd. if they dont, they shouldnt bitch about it.

there are people who like "real" CDs and will not buy cdr bootlegs, even if they play perfect. they want a "real" cd version of it and have trouble understanding that there never was a "real" version to begin with. why make cdr dubs of stuff thats already officially available??????

so what im saying is, if its not officially released, its fair game, and if the band doesnt like it they should release the shit themselves. they just might make some money!
I think that if you copy official releases then that's stealing. If you want to have music you gotta fucking pay for it, not steal it. I think that it's ok to copy bootlegs or out of print cds, because you can't get them anyway.