LMAO - funny vid, 'specially if you hate Trivium...

Crimson Velvet said:
If the video isn't funny enough, look at the comments!

"Metallica could never dream in their primes to pull of the speed and vocal harmonies that Trivium can. And I haven't been living under a rock... I have 3 of the 4 SYL albums, 2 Sepultura Albums, I bought Napalm Death and it was awful vocally, and I've sampled Fear Factory many times. Don't think you're talking to some 14 year old that just got his first pube cuz of Trivium"

OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!! :ill:
hahahaha yeah i saw that, it totally tops the video itself :lol:

someone needs to make one for Decapitated's Spheres of Madness ... yippe yey, yeppe yo
doors and mirror they don't sing! BLUERGH!

jesus these bands completely suck btw
WHY do people listen to stuff like atreyu
it's like a bad parody of a bad parody of actual metal
I hope this is legit.

"TRIVIUM frontman Matt Heafy interrupted the band's set [as the support act for IRON MAIDEN] at Earl's Court, London last night [Friday, Dec. 22] to chide members of the audience after being subjected to a barrage of urine-filled balloons and bottles. Heafy and bassist Paolo Gregoletto were showered with urine during their performance of 'Like Light to the Flies'. Heafy angrily declared that the act was 'really wrong' and that if he saw anyone throwing things at the band he would see that they were 'thrown the $#@* out" and 'beaten the $#@* up.'

"The left hand side of the stage had been rowdy with fervent disapproval for TRIVIUM and their frontman from the beginning of their set, the band being lambasted with cries of 'death to false metal' between each of their songs; and throughout the set there was a constant exchange of rude gestures between Heafy and the antagonists. An attempt to block the missiles with a U.S. flag was shouted down by British fans, who angrily turned on the American fans, a group of young men and women who had travelled all the way from the USA to see TRIVIUM perform.

"Heafy's polemic (after battling through the rest of the song) lasted almost five minutes. However IRON MAIDEN frontman Bruce Dickinson was unusually quiet about the event, preferring to focus his rant on the safety of fans at the front of the crowd and the horrors of war."
Yeah go to the bar and wrestle 50 000 sweaty hellbangers to end up in the front for the IRAN FUCKEN MADMENS

Personally, after I turned about 17 or so I never really got the point of being up front for the band unless you're intending to take photos. It's pretty hard to watch the band with 50,000 sweaty hellbangers crushing your chest against the barricade, jostling and elbow-clashing you, mosh-pits upening up and pushing you 15 feet from where you were previously standing, the combined body heat from so many people being so densely packed together causing dehydration that you don't dare go to the bar to cure in case of losing your hallowed place at the front.

But that's just me.

Oh please... So a shitty band got heckled, so what? It's not like they're musicians with great artistic value and integrity... Let the pee-wee rain, I say!

So if you were playing in a band that people didn't like, would you be happy to get showered with piss because they considered, in their opinion, that your act had no 'great artistic value and integrity'?