LOCAL METALCORE! NEEDS SOME HELP! (Real drums, real amps, real badly recorded)

Replace that kick! It sounds very cloudy and destroys the low-end.
Can't judge on the bass, because it's very hard here to distinguish between bass and kick. Other than that you probably did a good job with the things given to you.
What's that BEEEEEP every now and then?

It's not that bad. Guitars sound a little muddy and the kick has a little too much of that pillow sound. Toms seem to have the same problem to me. But then again, some people prefer them that way. There's a lot ot hiss going on when a silent part comes in but I'm not sure if you ca do a lot about it. The bass is sweet man!

I'm sorry I can't give you ay solid advice but I'm just a beginner. Although I bet you can solve these problems with compressors and eq.
What's that BEEEEEP every now and then?

It's a kind of protection. So the band can't donwload the song before/without

Compress the shit out of your bass, with fast attack and slow release.
EQ: Make a cut at 80hz, boost at 250hz
then put a limiter on it

Replace that shitty one.
Eq: Boost at 80hz, cut at 250hz, boost at 6khz-8khz, ls,smallest highpass
Compress it.

Maybe use a Miltibandcompressor on your masterbus to tame the low-end.
This is actually my favourite mix of yours so far
raw 'n dirty.
Actually sounds like a bunch of musicians in a room
The mix sounds pretty tight, glued pretty well :p, I like that heavy bass. I like your snare room sound :) Mind sharing how you do that? or did you trigger it with samples? To me this isn't a bad mix, it just another style of mixing hehe, raw and dirty.
Just that, I don't really like the sound of kick at some parts, it works pretty good when the song going fast and everything were loud.