local screamo/singing band im workin with


May 3, 2004

Kinda a day to remember-ish, the band has 4 vocalists (one screamer, drummer does most clean vox and guitar/bass also sing) so it was a lot of different vocal tones to mess with, pretty fun!

Guitars are lepou 456 this time, lextacy for some leads. Vox are at4050 through great river pre for singing and screaming

What do you guys think? I have to finish this mix in a few days so any criticisms would be much appreciated!

edit: some mix changes http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2093596/4_12.mp3.

edit: final mix! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2093596/4_16.mp3
This is awesome.
And i really like the band, You got a myspace link you could hook me up with?

EDIT: I just listened to every song on your soundclick, you do some really great work man!
Good this is so generic (the band's music :lol:)
The mix is great though man, although I can't help but feel the snare definitely sticks out of the top of the mix too much compared to a lot of commercial releases I listen too
thanks for the comments!!!

I would say the only issue I'm having is with the apparent volume differences between the different vocals... focus some more energy on that aspect (without letting them overpower the mix) and you're golden.

good call! I didnt think it was that bad but i listened in my car and it stuck out like a sore thumb. That and i need to tame the esses (needs deesser) of the vox

care to share some more details about the recording?
The bands really good whats the name of them?

how did you do the drums?

bass is tracked through my great river and then into ampeg's svx plugin. vox are all double tracked and melodyned with the double equal volume to the lead, same process for screams (well, except the melodyne). Drums are midi, used slate samples for the hits and superior 2.0 for the cymbals. Gang vox done with my at4050 in figure 8 mode with two people on each side. And thats about all I can think of right now.

This is awesome.
And i really like the band, You got a myspace link you could hook me up with?

EDIT: I just listened to every song on your soundclick, you do some really great work man!

The band is called Lakeview, www.myspace.com/lakeviewva , pretty young guys but theyre good. The stuff they have up now is some old demos and an ep 'teaser' i made them right after we finished the tracking all the songs. And thanks man I appreciate it!
I'm going to +1 the snare comment, it's a bit too much reverb, and I'd say drop the auto-tuned doubles just a bit; when it's on one voice, you can deal with it since that's the "in sound" nowadays (for better or for worse) but when it's all over the mix, it's a bit... meh to me.

Other than that though, and those comments are me really stretching to find something to nitpick.... that mix is FREAKING AWESOME. I never would have known the drums were MIDI if you hadn't mentioned it, the feel is great. If you did the programming, then huge kudos to you.
Honestly I personally don't notice any major differences in the guitars.

However, I think I should listen to this song maybe another once or 7 times just to make sure...
There is a veil of mud going over the vocals. Unless that's what you were going for, I'd put a little more into clarifying them. Also, you hear that autotune effect in a lot of places on the clean vocals. I know that's the in thing, but man do I despise that shit.

Good sounding guitars though.
Nice mix, man! But the clean vocals sounds very undefined, like Deltones said.

When there is another guy singing (not the drummer) it's very clearly you use some kind of modulation effect on his voice. Maybe make it less audible?

Otherwise, great job :)

the gang vocals sound like they are coming out of a "transistor radio" (in the pro tools presets)
like a HPF at 500 hz or something

i still think its amazing tho!