Local show (Freak Fest)

Fucked if I know. Seriously, that argument started before I ever joined, and I'm sure it's still going. I've only seen them once since I left almost 4 years ago... and I was pretty damn drunk that night. But I saw the flyer and was like "Hey!".

Fuck, I can't wait to be home, where there's actually, you know, shows and shit. Fucking Kansas :/

Wow that sounds sucky! There are shows 7 nights a week here, one of the only good things about NE. LOL.
Yep, it sucks here. Fucking hotter'n Muspel most of the year, and instead of proper snow, they get icestorms. Can't wait until I can get home and setup a proper homestead. Should be landing somewhere in the Mont Vernon/Milford/Amherst area next spring, with luck. :)
Sounds like fun.
Even when local shows have a shitty sound or a low turnout, they're usually really intimate and fun.
The young cutie looking like little bo peep was looking mighty fine (as were the other two hotties at the bar). Turnout sucked towards end of the night...seems some folks left before we went on (and during band on prior to us, Excorea(sp) who were pretty good!).
The <i>Boneless Christian</i> Coven is from Seattle, WA. If memory serves, they basically morphed into a grunge act. I've got two of their albums on CD and the other on tape somewhere. If Dan R. needs the CDs, he should drop me a line.
Thanks guys, it was cool seeing you play for the first time, never got a chance before! I think the reason for the turnout was from the hurricane that day, a lot of people that I had going ended up not even coming. Nothing we could really do though, still fun. Eternal embrace did a great job setting up the show
Ha, speak of the devil! what's up man, welcome to the SOB board. Yeah, I was digging on your tunes man, we should do more shows together. The hurricane probably did have something to do with the turnout, still had fun.