Loch Vostok for Prog Power!


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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Many of you may be familiar with a progressive metal band called Mayadome. I for one was a huge Mayadome fan and was very disappointed when i found out they broke up. Their album Near Life Experience is an amazing piece of work that any prog metal fan should own.

Anyway, the leader of the band, Teddy Moller, who by the way has attended and played the last few Prog Powers, particularly with Wuthering Heights, has a fairly new extreme prog metal band called Loch Vostok. While the music is much heavier than Mayadome, you can still hear the Mayadome influences in the music. Teddy has taken over the vocal duties, and has an awesome voice. He uses some death metal growls, but overall, the music is very progressive and well thought out.

With Teddy's connection with the festival, and what I believe to be, a new album on the way, Loch Vostok may be in the works for a PP appearance. If anyone wants to check them out, here is the link: http://www.lochvostok.com/

By the way, Teddy is one of the nicest persons I have met at the festival. He went as far as sending me some rare Mayadome material after I told him how big a fan I was. I hope I get to see him play with his new band!:rock:
By the way, Teddy is one of the nicest persons I have met at the festival.

I concur :) - He spent some time talking to me, explaining what Wuthering Heights were up to lately, and when and what to expect from them in the near future. He was very polite and gracious, listening to what I had to say about their performance last year.

I look forward to seeing Teddy perform again at ProgPower someday, no matter which act he arrives with.


He uses some death metal growls, but overall, the music is very progressive and well thought out.

Are you suggesting that the presence of death vocals usually indicates that the music isn't progressive and well-thought-out? :lol:
booB said:
He uses some death metal growls, but overall, the music is very progressive and well thought out.

Are you suggesting that the presence of death vocals usually indicates that the music isn't progressive and well-thought-out? :lol:

I knew someone would point that out!!! And I realized how it came across after i posted it, but was just too lazy to modify the post. To answer your question, no, I am noy suggesting that!!! LOL

I also agree with the above post about Mayadome; they really were an amazing band. Mayadome reunion????
I have yet to check out Loch Vostok, but I've been meaning to do so, as I am a hugerifous Mayadome fan. In fact, my very first heavy metal festival was Powermad 1999, and I flew out from Chicago to Baltimore just because Mayadome was on the bill. I would give a kidney to see a Mayadome reunion at ProgPower, but sadly, I think I'm one of eight people on the planet who would make that kind of offer. If only more people knew of their awesomeness...

Stay metal. Never rust.
I clearly remember Mayadome's awesomeness; they were one of the reasons I flew to Holland for ProgPower. Y'know, the very first one. :) I knew Erik online, so.....

The other reasons: Superior and Lemur Voice, 'cause I knew band members from online, several other fans I'd meet for the first time ever, Pain of Salvation, and the band who surprised me, Evergrey.

Mayadome were great at that fest. Pretty much everyone was, except Threshold.
Meanwhile, the new album "Loch Vostok and Two Smoking Barrells" actually Premiered at PP 6, or was it the preparty night?

An excellent step up from Dark Logic.

Teddy's teh man, as long as you are NOT standing downwind from him while Wuthering Heights performs. Damn.
Met-Al said:
I have yet to check out Loch Vostok, but I've been meaning to do so, as I am a hugerifous Mayadome fan. In fact, my very first heavy metal festival was Powermad 1999, and I flew out from Chicago to Baltimore just because Mayadome was on the bill. I would give a kidney to see a Mayadome reunion at ProgPower, but sadly, I think I'm one of eight people on the planet who would make that kind of offer. If only more people knew of their awesomeness...

Stay metal. Never rust.

I was at that show, and one of the main reasons was to see Mayadome!!! So obviously Teddy is no stranger to the States as he has played here as far back as 1999!!! I wish Menzer could have convinced Eternity X to play at the time; that would have been great! Although this may have been right around the time they split apart; I can't remember.

Powermad brings back some good memories like The Quiet Room and Leviathan (two great bands imo!). I guess Powermad was the start of great things to come (Prog Power!!!). This music has come a long way and I am so grateful that someone had the balls to step up and single handedly bring the music I love so much to the United States on a yearly basis in an intimate setting. How much longer till PP VII????:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: