

Jul 31, 2005
St. Louis, MO
I know it's spam, but it's an useful one.

Weird site. You log on everyday, you gain points wihch you can trade for real life prizes (waiting to get a ps3 @_@)

Incidentally, I get double points if I get 20 people to join, so if anyone wants an invite, just pm me your e-mail address :p
They do ship internationally. Takes longer, but they do. They don't restock often is all... usually there's a set date for that, with bells, whistles and neon lights all over it. Call it a 'redemption'.

@Joe: I know it sounds lulzy, but hey, they make you pay attention to ads, so it makes sense that they can give away things and still be lucrative.
i wish i could have a million dollar interwebs business idea like that :(