logic audio help! exs 24 midi controller messages


Aug 28, 2006
Ok ive asked this before but got no reply but its pritty vital i get this sorted if possible.

my band used logic exs 24 and midi controller live, changing patches, banks whatever is obviously a problem.

is it possible to control this via midi

heres a diagram of what im asking

midi controller - laptop - logic exs 24)

audiointrument 1 - strings
audiointrument 2 - choir
audiointrument 3 - piano

now the usual way of switching between these would be by mouse or arrow keys
but i want to control this via the midi controller keyboard

is this possible ??

id be sooo chuft if someone knew how to do this :cry:
you might be able to do some sort of automation assignment to the keyboard, assuming it has some buttons or something, That is next/previous patch. I think you have to assign a key command for that specifically. it's something like automation quick access, although that might not be the exact thing you're looking for.

i don't have logic so i can't help more.
In Logic go to your key command menu (option K), and search the up down commands that you already do with the typing keyboard... Set it to Learn Assignment, and then hit a MIDI key, and it'll show the CC# as an additional 'key command' for that task... should work... I use my keyboard to switch instruments using the same technique