Logic: how to bounce SD2 on separate tracks?


May 9, 2009
this is driving me nuts - i can't mix because my comp can't handle the project anymore because of the multiple outputs with shitloads of plugins. i can freeze everything else but i can't do anything about the drums.

logic has the option to 'bounce in place' and 'freeze', but the former only bouces the first of all of the tracks, which is the kick, and the freeze option doesn't even appear to be incorporated into multiple-out instrument tracks, which makes zero fucking sense to me.

any ideas?
Bounce in place should work for each track. Do you have it setup to where each piece of the kit is in a separate track?
I think there is a bounce in place per track or something like that? Although I've found it buggy at times so I usually do each track individually.
Do it within superior. Works a treat.

that helps a bit, but external processing still seems to hog up most of my resources. i'd like to be able to freeze any individual drum tracks.

Bounce in place should work for each track. Do you have it setup to where each piece of the kit is in a separate track?
I think there is a bounce in place per track or something like that? Although I've found it buggy at times so I usually do each track individually.

it didn't seem to work when i tried, it just bounced the kick track and nothing else. i'll give it a second shot.
to clarify; i've got a multi-out instance of SD2 loaded and i've added auxes to that track for the different channels. i'm not sure if there's some other way to do this.

i just tried the option bounce in place without "include instrument multi-outputs" ticked. this bounced only the kick track, which is routed as the first of the multi-outs as usual. i then tried ticking the "include instrument multi-outputs" which bounced all of them on one stereo channel. the export options seem to work similarly. there's an option to "merge per track" but that just merges the midis on one track. i can't find any other options...

charlie, when you say you do each track individually, do you mean you load an instance of SD2 for every separate element of your drums?
Honestly it's been a while since i used Superior so I can't remember the exact steps I took to do it.
I do remember setting it up so that all the outputs of Superior went on to separate tracks so that I could hear it with Superior muted.
I somehow bounced each track so I didn't have to deal with Superior at all. This was because I was working on a 2gig ram macbook pro and the plugins and superior was a little too much to handle for the comp during mix down.

Recently I've started to use the bounce all tracks option and I've sometimes had the problem you describe. Only the first selected track gets bounced. I'm not sure if it's a bug or user error because I've managed to get it to work before and other times it hasn't worked.
There was a day that I was so fed up that I just decided to click each track individually and bounce them in place one by one. It was time consuming but with the shortcuts it wasn't so bad.
Goodluck :)
I just bounced with the bounce function inside SD2 when I encountered the same problem with my old C2D MBP. Then just brought the newly exported tracks back into Logic and resumed mixing; it made the load noticeably smaller. IIRC I was also freezing and bouncing tracks in place along with that, especially those with ampsims.

I'm pretty sure I followed the advice in this video, as it was a Toontrack tutorial of some sort:

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