
Aug 28, 2006
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1008186/matrix edit.jpp

im laying down some Midi tracks for my bands up coming album,
Im looking to keep the tracks real tidy in terms of midi note lenght,
how can i change multiple midi notes to the same lenght without having to
do them 1 at a time?

see attached pics

tidy; this is a pic of the midi notes tidied up 1 by 1, which if you can imagine
having to sort a 4-5 min song with a million midi notes can take alot of time!


messy; circled in red is an example of notes that need clipped, how can i cut all three notes to the same lenght at the same time? or a whole track! at the same time.


i cant bloody figure it out!

here is a picture of the matrix edit where i can edit the note lenght
i can only seem to edit 1 value at a time.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1008186/matrix edit.jpg
You can try to find something maybe called fixed lengths, in Cubase I use that.
AHHH old logic is old.
In Pro Tools you just enable grid mode, highlight the notes, hold down shift and trim one.
Wait is that Pro tools being good at Midi ;)
AHHH old logic is old.
In Pro Tools you just enable grid mode, highlight the notes, hold down shift and trim one.
Wait is that Pro tools being good at Midi ;)

In reference to Logic 5, I'd say that's not saying much :lol: