Track to mix with a twist (5150iii 50w content)

Great track!
Thanks for sharing.
Rainy day in Dublin today (as usual) so I had a crack at this.
As previously mentioned, bass sound is fantastic.
Used FX return of Mesa MK4 to Recto Cab for guitars.
Mixed on A&H Zed-R16
I think the guitars may be a little harsh and the kick a little too clicky. I'm digging the snare. Overall am digging the drums, they got that dirtyness that I think fits this band.

Finaly got time and used it all for this mix. Around 4 hours but counting in "mastering" which is bit ruined because of ear fatigue n stuff. Tried to use everything original, and tried to get not clicky kick. Because of ear fatigue today and non-sleep night before probably something wrong with compresion, so tomorrow I'll sit to fix it.
My atempt
I think the drums are a little too dry, add some dirt with some parallel comp and/or reverb. Isn't the kick a bit too loud? I think the bass might be a little too loud as well. The guitars are a little honky, a slight dip in the mids might do it.
It's quite a challenge keeping the big picture with these kind of projects. With only 4 hours it's near impossible finding the right pocket for everything.
Well you already admitted it so gotcha. :D
Which part in particular do you mean though? The backings?

Nice mix, something in the low end sounds a bit messy though, maybe the guitars are clashing with the bass or something. If you cleaned that up, it should sound nice and fat.
Also the snare sounds like it has problems cutting through in some parts - could use some more ambience/short punchy verb.

Did you create some additional keyboard tracks at about 3:00?
Or did I just miss those? :err:

Thanks, Theres some main vocals thats normally in the center that i panned wider at the end, most notably the long scream near the end.

I need to check the lowend on some different speakers, always had trouble with it.

And i was convinced the snare would be too loud... Ill try making it a little louder, but its hard because the drummer hammers as hard as Thor on the fills but is little softer on the verses. Ill see if I can add some more reverb too.

I copypasted the outro violins to that part. I thought it sounded a little empty without it.

Edit: Updated the mix these tips in mind. I upped the highpass a little on the guitars and changed the snare reverb. Un Tursa - Hail Land Of My Fathers 02.mp3
not my mix dude

That's generally the sound the band aim for, really gives a different
vibe to the song huh?

It works! well spotted though its generally all in the mid range here.
brings alot of clarity and a somewhat pleasant harshness to the mix.

its really going for that sansamp psa type eq, i could never get a poweramp that suited the sansamp so its basically 5150 eq'd to match a sansamp mic'd.

figured anyone going to mix this could do with a reference and get atleast an insight to what the band usually aim for.
lol and just incase anyone is wondering wtf the lyrical content is;

Hail, land of my fathers! I stand on thy shore,
'Neath the broad-fronted bluffs of thy granite once more;
Old Scotland, my mother, the rugged, the bare,
That reared me with breath of the strong mountain air.
No more shall I roam where soft indolence lies
'Neath the cloudless repose of the featureless skies,
But where the white mist sweeps the red-furrowed scaur,
I will fight with the storm and grow strong by the war!

What boots all the blaze of the sky and the billow,
Where manhood must rot on inglorious pillow?
'Tis the blossom that blooms from the taint of the grave,
'Tis the glitter that gildeth the bonds of the slave.
But Scotland, stern mother, for struggle and toil
Thou trainest thy children on hard, rocky soil;

Hail, Scotland, my mother! and welcome the day
When again I shall brush the bright dew from the brae,
And, light as a bird, give my foot to the heather,
My hand to my staff, and my face to the weather;
Then climb to the peak where the ptarmigan flies,
Or stand by the linn where the salmon will rise,
And vow never more with blind venture to roam
From the strong land that bore me — my own Scottish home.

glad u like it, here's another track if u want a more in depth listen; Winter- A Dirge.mp3

ill get the raw files uploaded for this track next time, there's a shitload
more going on in this song though.

yeah man heavily influenced by Ancient, Diabolical Masquarade, Hypocrisy.

guitar wise for us anyways its always been peter tagtgren / abyss studio

take a listen you will here a very close resemblance in the guitars;

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Wow that one had a completely different approach, digging it although I really don't agree sampling the drums that hard. The guitars are pretty cool, I had something like that with the same impulse for a while but the highs got far too harsh so I scraped that. I'll probably try to find a impulse with a similar vibe to that next week. Is that with the same preamp as ours?

Lmao so that's what he's screaming, I've solo'ed them so much yet I haven't managed to decipher a single line.
Great track indeed and may I also say thank you for sharing your work.

I didn't know this was you lot as you don't put your name on the file and i was thinking that this sounded very much like you when I putt an octave down pitch shifter on some of your vocals! I was thinking I was copying myself too much but seeing as it's is the same band then why not! I have done the Bannockburn (Used a pitch shifter on the vocals on this one first) and they are both great tracks. I had a "I @@@in knew it" moment when I read the rest of the thread! Hopefully you guys will drop over in Manchester and play sometime!

Only trouble I had was getting the Midi Tempo file to work in Logic, this would have helped in order to get the tempo delays on the go. I have followed all the advice I could on lots of forums regarding trying to get it to work but nevermind as I am happy with my attempt (for a noob).

I will get my mix up on soundcloud soonish
Could you re up? looking foward to buy this amp and having some practice with this kind of tracks would be awesome!
Nice! I remember a while back seeing a video about the Bugera amps having a nicer sound than the Peavey. I like them all. This whole thread rocks. I wish the files were on Soundcloud like "ThatSoundsWammy" did recently. Dropbox links always disappear!

I've learned more from people that reamp through 5150's (mostly the cabs & mic blending), I've not gotten to hear the preamp section though! I soooo want to hear what's going on.

I'd love to hear your Bugera preamps!