My first song here, please mix it!


New Metal Member
Feb 20, 2008
Hello guys, i'm new here and this is my first thread and i'm really impressed with a lot of excelent mixes i see here.

I would like you to mix my song and in case the mix will be nice (i'm sure it will be), maybe i can mix with some of you, but there's a friend who loves metal and he told me he really wants to record and produce my cd.

But as i'm very inexperienced in recording, i'd love to check another good mix from you. I don't know a lot about recording as well, so i apologize for some tracks that wasn't good.

This is a Black Metal song from my band, the drums is midi with Drummer 2.0 map. Sorry about the bass, i didn't use a dI :erk: and i record everything in my room.

The tempo is 64 bpm in 4/4, sometimes changes to 6/4, but the tempo is the same.

Here is the tracks: Voice-1.rar Voice-2.rar

I also would like to know if someone here mix/master my entire cd, how much it will cost for a song or for a whole album?

I hope you can help me and if you have any questions, please ask me.

Thanks a lot guys!
Hi AerialThesis, thank you for the comments, i really appreciate it!

I just don't understand about the drums, do you want that i put each peace separately?
Hi Passini,

I'm just downloading your tracks now, I'm gonna stick the midi into Superior Drummer 2 so that should be grand. I'll probably have a mix done for you by tomorrow night.

Cool of you to do this :) I will give this a shot too, hope to have it done tomorrow. For now i'll just stick with the S2.0 files, if you don't like the drumsound that's no problem to change the sound.

If you like the result i'd love to do the mixing of the cd, the price can be discussed but don't worry it's really not expensive :) I'll be back!
Thanks a lot guys! I'm really excited to see your mixes!

Here the drum parts separately

ShallowEulogy i'm excited to see a mix of my song and about the drums be free to do what you think it's better. I also would like to discussed a price, because it will my first job since years and i can't see the time that everything it's done to show to my friends and other people.
It's taking a little more time then i intended, i don't have much time at the moment and when i had the time i got the flu, i will post them soon though. Things i noticed is that the song was really really long, it sounded way to generic to sound as long as 9 minutes. The vocals were really weird sounding (my opinion) and clipping really hard. The intro guitar sounded a little out of tune here and then and the english pronuncuation of the speech wasn't that good. There was also a really weird glitch in that speech at the end, can't recall which phrase it exactly was. All just criticism and not an attack m'kay? :)
AerialThesis i'll wait anxious!

ShallowEulogy, thanks for the criticism, it's good to improve my next recordings. If you want, i can record again this part (Guitar and Vocals).