Logic Pro automation


Jul 30, 2011
Newport, UK
Anyone else HATE but LOVE the automation in Logic? I love how easy it is to use, but I god damn hate when it does all crazy shit and moves when you accidentally click on a different track. I'm constantly listening back to mixes and hear a decrease in volume on sections and I'm like wtf? Then when I check there is automation haha.

Does the freeze function prevent you from writing automation on tracks? That may be useful...
The only annoying thing for me is trying to select the correct event points (or whatever they're called, those "dots"), it can be a little inaccurate at times...

And freezing mainly saves your computer's resources.
Once you have finished messing with the automation in a track you have to remember to take it out of that mode otherwise you are bound to add unwanted
nodes by mistake .:heh:
The only annoying thing for me is trying to select the correct event points (or whatever they're called, those "dots"), it can be a little inaccurate at times....

I'm with you on that haha, it's so inaccurate... I usually automate tracks whilst I'm listening and sometimes it just jumps up all the way on the volume, ears...

Yeah, my PC is a beast so I don't use freeze lol but if it stops you adjusting the automation that'd be cool.

Once you have finished messing with the automation in a track you have to remember to take it out of that mode otherwise you are bound to add unwanted
nodes by mistake .:heh:

I do this but it usually happens when I'm working on some automation, I wish they would have single track automation rather than opening every bloody track.
The only annoying thing for me is trying to select the correct event points (or whatever they're called, those "dots"), it can be a little inaccurate at times...

And freezing mainly saves your computer's resources.

Also for moving the nodes, you should make sure you hold CMD on the mac keyboard and I think it's CTRL on a windows keyboard. Gives you precise movements.
yeah, i also accidentally click the wrong tracks often :lol: when you undo it, the whatever parameter you had on that track remains on the value where you accidentally clicked it for some dumbass reason, it's been more than a few times when i've accidentally automated volume on a wrong track and have had to find a new volume level for it.

i don't think you can copy automation events very well in logic either, it just doesn't work as i'd expect it to.

i love logic other than that though. i think they should work on the automation features for version 10
Haha all the time man! Definitely though, I would honestly love if they implemented better copying functions and a way to only work on automation for one track at a time.