Logo i'm doing for my band

Tut Ankh Amon

I See You Masturbate!
Sep 26, 2002
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
So, finally we got a temporary name! :lol:
(which by the way i keep forgeting EVERY TIME i think to say it :lol: )
and i'm designing a logo for it, here's a temp i just did


I won't change the design, but i'm gonna change the letters probably
i was trying to get a rust metal effect, but it didn't turn out very well as you can see :lol: :p
so i kept it as a temp...

what do you guys think?

(and remember, if you think it's gay, we're prog metal, we CAN look gay :lol: )
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Nice design, but coloring sucks. That bright green with that very warm brown looks... well I can't find other word, sorry - GAY. Try to make letters grey, like made from stone and the leafs a bit darker. Overall feeling is ok :D
From a portuguese dictionary, roughly translated by me:
"Quantitative measuring of the degree of disorder of a physical system"

pretty huh? :D

@ralf: it's a bit gay indeed :lol:
the mental image i have is indeed darker, both the vines, leaves and the letters...
it's just for people to say what they think about the design :)

but thnx ;)
Walk with meeeee and see the world I seeeee, you dont have to die to leave entropiaaaaaaaaa

fucking POS yeah rokkkkkk
Cool papito :D
I tought the name was Fntropy :lol:
Remember when we had that band that had so many people we could barely play ?haha And some guys wanted to show their "wonderful skills" so we could never rehearse well. Well at least it was funny. :lol:
Tut Ankh Amon said:
i am dude, the name just doesn't relate EXACTALLY to that, but to that more "dictionarized" meaning (which sounds more poetical too :lol: ) :p
Well that was actually for BodomPrincess.
But anyways, there is no other meaning, the one you found in the dictionary IS correct and it is talking about the thermodynamic variable : p