What's your favorite band logo?


METAL... nuff said!
I mean, looking at the Main Page now and seeing what Circus Maximus' logo looks like, and considering all the ones I've seen all through the history of metal... what's your favorite band logo? Or from which era, for those bands who love to change their logos around each album?

I still say, that MetallicA's logo from Master Of Puppets is still one of the coolest. Solid granite, fuckin heavy, three-dimensional shape, badass.

Then, I think of Death, with all the details inside the lettering, the spiderweb, the Reaper's scythe... definitely evil, yet to the point. You cannot mistake it.

Blind Guardian, cuz it's very detailed, elaborate and elegant. And shiny! Like a dwarf forged it from gold and polished it to his heart's content.

Iced Earth, cuz it's bold, strong, and thick, and you can put whatever color or texture or pattern inside the letters and it can change it so drastically, yet remain the same. I especially love it with the light blue in the center, from The Glorious Burden. Damned good looking.

Shadows Fall, cuz it's like you just splattered blood and grafitti on a brick wall, and it's so nasty and evil and angry. Very suiting for that music. Reminds me of the Savatage logo, sometimes.

What y'all think? Or, to stir up controversy, what band logos do you hate? What band logos have changed, and you say, "Damnit! Why'd they go and fuck up a good thing?"
Let's see ... I love the old Thyrfing logo, as well as the Emperor and Darkthrone logos. Power/prog metal logos suck - extreme metal is where they get good and creative. :)