The 50 best band logos of all time...


Jul 16, 2002
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Of course, some killer ones are missing, like Saxon, which I always thought had a killer logo that they kept all their career. Helloween's is also very nice. Iron Maiden should be in that list as well.

As for those who don't belong IMO, I never thought that the logos of The Beatles, Run DMC or Abba were that good...And Blitzen Trapper (who the hell are they?), well, when it's hard to figure out the damned band name, me thinks it's not good...

What do you guys think?
I think it's insane (in a really cool way) that Mastodon and Sigur Ros have now been accepted into the "legendary rock bands" pantheon over the last few years.
I think it's insane (in a really cool way) that Mastodon and Sigur Ros have now been accepted into the "legendary rock bands" pantheon over the last few years.

I hate the magazine nowadays, but I think Mastodon (as well as Meshuggah) can thank Rolling Stone for the support. I've noticed of metal bands, those are the two they actually will talk about.