but...but...teh kvltness!Even more annoying than the fact that most are unreadable are the fact that they all look exactly the fucking same. It's like they're all begging the world to know that they suck just as much as the next disposable, shitty no-name extreme metal band.
but...but...teh kvltness!
bestial tomb, apparently
^ don't get it. maybe i'm just too...un-tr00...i prefer the 'exodus', 'testament', 'accept', kinda logos..... the 80s had the coolest, cheese-ridden logos ever m/
well, not really "apparent". I managed to read "bestial" without knowing before what it meant, but i wouldn't have found out the "tomb" part.
Those 80s logos were completely readable and mostly tried to look monumental (which makes it so cheesy). But you have to admit that they are relatively simple. While I'm absolutely no fan of black metal and I also like a readable band name those logos are definitely much more creative. I think they're aiming to be mysterious and threatening, fragile, withering, and menacing at the same time. A lot more than just monumental cheese, the BM logos are subtle, complex cheese. Some are actually pretty good.