What makes or breaks a band name?

Maybe if your deep as a mud puddle and have your nose burried skin deep in a French book... but sorry this is the US

Motorama - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorama
Motorola - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorola
Colorama - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorama_(Kodak)
Extravaganga - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extravaganza

all relating to displays

Metallica seems to be multi directional in application, one of which appears to be tongue in cheek metal-lica, metallic - a autobody paint with metal bits that pops in the sun.

Now to me all these Scandinavian names seem a bit off but I accept that its their language
I just made an educated guess. My native tongue is Russian. All nouns/names that end with "a" in Russian are feminine, aside from some unisex names.

most like pertaining to Terra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terra
as well as native American tongue warped into English, yes also refered to as the nuturing mother earth, but shes a brutal bitch

Here we try not to let to much give us the creeps in fem/masc references and our language makes very few that I can think of.

The biggest thing that put me off to the French language way back in HS was the way everything had to be specified as masc or fem and what I thought was an extremely "gay" way of pronouncing syllables... way too much lip action going on there

most like pertaining to Terra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terra
as well as native American tongue warped into English, yes also refered to as the nuturing mother earth, but shes a brutal bitch

Here we try not to let to much give us the creeps in fem/masc references and our language makes very few that I can think of.

The biggest thing that put me off to the French language way back in HS was the way everything had to be specified as masc or fem and what I thought was an extremely "gay" way of pronouncing syllables... way too much lip action going on there

See, the French are "gay" even in grammar.
Such strange people: eating frogs' legs, and what not.